
PWA Music Streaming.



This is a clone of Spotify the backend was built utilizing Ruby on Rails and frontend ReactJS, for playing music, view albums, artists, with the possibility to you favorite them.

Core Technology

  • Ruby version 2.6.3

  • Rails version

  • Database engine: SQLite 3

Ruby Gems

gem 'devise'
gem 'rack-cors'
gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.82.0'
gem 'serviceworker-rails'

Database creation

  • Run on terminal:
rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Install gems

bundle install

Deployment instructions

rails s

How to use

1. This is the initial page.

2. If you have an account, log in, or create one if you don't.

3. This is the discovery page, you can navigate through all the applicaton now.

4. This is the favorites page, here you can create a playlist and see your favorite songs, albums, artists.

5. New playlist.

6. Albums.

7. Musics.

8. Artist page.

9. Search page.

10. Search page results.

11. Player full.

12. Player mini.