
Ruby library for accessing (R/W) OpenOffice/LibreOffice spreadsheets (ods)... because Excel IS a database 😂

GPL-3.0 License



... because Excel IS a database.


The library itself is stable, and can be regularly used.

I plan to add features on request, but if nobody asks for them, I will update the project very infrequently.

What is SpreadBase©?

SpreadBase© is a set of APIs for programmatically accessing spreadsheets (currently, only OpenDocument 1.2).


Install/require the gem:

gem install spreadbase

require 'spreadbase'

Create/open a document:

document = SpreadBase::Document.new( "Today's menu.ods" )

Add a table:

document.tables << SpreadBase::Table.new(
  'Transistors', [
    [ 'Roasted 6502',                                 38.911 ],
    [ '65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter', 512.0  ],

Modify an existing table; can be done also directly on the array:

table = document.tables.first

table.insert_row( 0, [ 'Dish',                    'Price' ] )
table.insert_row( 2, [ '8080, with an 8-bit bus', 8       ] )

table.insert_column( 2, [ 'Availability', Date.today, Time.now + 42, 'Never!!' ] )

Add another (empty) table:

table_2 = SpreadBase::Table.new( 'Loud and annoying customers' )

document.tables << table_2

Append a column:

table_2.append_column( [ 'Name' ] )

Append a row:

table_2.append_row( [ 'Fabrizio F.' ] )

Read a column, or a range of columns:

table.column( 0 )

# [ 'Dish', 'Roasted 6502', '8080, with an 8-bit bus', '65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter' ]

table.column( 0 .. 1 )

# [ [ 'Dish',  'Roasted 6502', '8080, with an 8-bit bus', '65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter' ],
#   [ 'Price', 38.911,         8,                         512.0                                          ] ]

Read a row, or a range of rows:

table.row( 1 )

# [ 'Roasted 6502', 38.911 ]

table.row( 1 .. 2 )

# [ [ 'Roasted 6502', 38.911 ], [ '8080, with an 8-bit bus', 8 ] ]

Read a cell:

price_8080 = document.tables[ 0 ][ 1, 2 ]

When a cell value is read from an existing file, the data type is directly converted to the closest ruby one.

Write to a cell:

document.tables[ 0 ][ 1, 2 ] = price_8080 + 0.080

Print a table:

puts document.tables[ 0 ].to_s( :with_headers => true )

| Dish                                         | Price  | Availability              |
| Roasted 6502                                 | 38.911 | 2012-04-21                |
| 8080, with an 8-bit bus                      | 8.08   | 2012-04-21 11:45:08 +0200 |
| 65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter | 512.0  | Never!!                   |

Print a document:

puts document.to_s( :with_headers => true )


  | Dish                                         | Price  | Availability              |
  | Roasted 6502                                 | 38.911 | 2012-04-21                |
  | 8080, with an 8-bit bus                      | 8.08   | 2012-04-21 11:45:08 +0200 |
  | 65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter | 512.0  | Never!!                   |

Loud and annoying customers:

  | Name        |
  | Fabrizio F. |

Save the document:


Enjoy many other APIs.


  • Numbers are decoded to Fixnum or Float, depending on the existence of the fractional part. Alternatively, numbers with a fractional part can be decoded as Bigdecimal, using the option:

    SpreadBase::Document.new( "Random numbers für alle!.ods", floats_as_bigdecimal: true )

  • The gem is tested on all the supported Ruby versions (see Build), and used mainly on Linux.

  • The column widths are retained (decoding/encoding), but at the current version, they're not [officially] accessible via any API.

Currently unsupported features

  • Styles; Date and and [Date]Times are formatted as, respectively, '%Y-%m-%d' and '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
  • Percentage data type - they're handled using their float value (e.g. 50% = 0.5)

