
Puppet API Wrapper

MIT License



Squiggle is a squiggly Puppet API wrapper.

It's named in honour of Mr Squiggle


Install Mr Squiggle via Miss Jane or via Rubygems:

gem install squiggle

You can also get the source from https://github.com/jamtur01/squiggle.


Squiggle has five configuration variables:

Squiggle.host          # default: localhost
Squiggle.port          # default: 8140
Squiggle.scheme        # default: https
Squiggle.key           # default: nil
Squiggle.cert          # default: nil
Squiggle.cacert        # default: nil

You will need the key, certificate from an authenticated Puppet client (or authenticate your client as a Puppet client) and the CA cert from the Puppet master you are connecting to.

You will need to ensure your /etc/puppet/auth.conf file allows the appropriate access from that client to the API path you wish to access. You can see details on the auth.conf file here.

To connect to a Puppet master at https://puppet.example.com:8140:

Squiggle.host = "puppet.example.com"
Squiggle.port = "8140"
Squiggle.scheme = "https"
Squiggle.key = "/path/to/key.pem"
Squiggle.cert = "/path/to/cert.pem"
Squiggle.cacert = "/path/to/ca_crt.pem"

You can also use the squiggle.setup block if you prefer this style:

Squiggle.setup do |s|
  s.host = "puppet.example.com"
  s.port = "5000"
  s.scheme = "https"
  s.key = "/path/to/key.pem"
  s.cert = "/path/to/cert.pem"
  s.cacert = "/path/to/ca_crt.pem"

After you have configured Squiggle, we need to create a connection:


If you want to reset your configiuration to their default values:



Setting up Squiggle and running Squiggle.connect! creates a connection object that can then be used to send requests to your Puppet master, accessed via Squiggle.connection.

For example to return the CA certificate:


You can see details of the Puppet REST API here.


Copyright (c) 2010 James Turnbull. See LICENSE.txt for further details.