
Spell checking for LaTeX documents with the help of GNU aspell

MIT License


Read this blog post: Spell Check Your LaTeX Writings Using GNU Aspell

This tool simplies the usage of GNU aspell (you must have it installed) for spell-checking of LaTeX files.

First, you install it:

$ gem install texsc

Then, you just run it like this for your LaTeX files:

$ texsc article.tex

You may ignore certain tags or environments using --ignore option

$ texsc --ignore=citet,citep --ignore=newminted article.tex

You can specify the method of ignoring, as aspell suggests (by default it's 'p'):

$ texsc --ignore=newminted:opp article.tex

You may also use your own additional dictionary, via --pws option. The file must contain one word per line: they will be ignored during spell checking. Don't forget that the first line of the file must contain this:

personal_ws-1.1 en 1 utf-8

To make configuration easier, you can create .texsc file next to your .tex file and place all your command line configuration options over there, each one on its own line. You can also have a global configuration file at ~/.texsc, which will be read first.

How to contribute

Read these guidelines. Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. You will need to have Ruby 2.3+ and Bundler installed. Then:

$ bundle update
$ bundle exec rake

If it's clean and you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.