
SMS/MMS framework for Rails that doesn't hurt

MIT License


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Texting is a SMS/MMS framework that implements interfaces similar to ActionMailer.

  • Convention over Configuration: Texting brings Convention over Configuration to your app for organizing your SMS/MMS implementations.
  • Extremely Easy to Learn: If you know how to use ActionMailer, you already know how to use Texting. Send text messages asynchronously with ActiveJob at no learning cost.
  • Testability: First-class support for testing SMS/MMS messages. No more hassle writing custom code or stubs/mocks for your tests.

While this gem is actively maintained, it is still under heavy development.

Getting Started

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'texting'

Supported Providers

Texxting itself doesn't send text messages. Instead, it uses an adapter to actually send them. As of writing, Texting only have support for Twilio and AWS SNS:

# Use Twilio:
gem 'twilio-ruby'

# Use AWS SNS:
gem 'aws-sdk-sns'

Support for more providers will be added in the future.

Writing your first messenger:

# app/messengers/tweet_messenger.rb
class TweetMessenger < ApplicationMessenger
  def new_direct_message(message_id, user_id)
    message = DirectMessage.find(message_id)
    user    = User.find(user_id)

    text to: user.phone_number, body: <<~BODY.strip
      Your follower #{user.name} juts sent you a direct message:


Deliver the text messages:

TweetMessenger.new_direct_message(message_id, user.id).deliver_now!
# => sends a text message immediately

TweetMessenger.new_direct_message(message_id, user.id).deliver_later!
# => enqueues a job that sends a text message later


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.