
Full Stack - Time tracking app utilizing Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, and D3.js



TimeKeeper Live

TimeKeeper is a web application inspired by Toggl.com built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux. It offers features for users to search and create projects, track time of each tasks, and data visualization of these tasks.

TimeKeeper is a personal project of Raymond Lee.


BCrypt Authentication

Users can securely create accounts using BCrypt to securely hash and salt passwords before storing them in the database so that raw passwords are never stored.

Time Tracking

Users can create tasks and track time for each action.

Search for projects and create tags

Users can search for projects and create tags.

lodash's debounce method was utilized for the search so that ajax requests are not sent off while a user is actively typing. It waits until the user has stopped typing for 150ms before sending off the request.

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  searchProjects: _.debounce(search => dispatch(searchProjects(search)), 150)
<form className="projects-search">
  <div className="form-group">
    <input type="text"
           placeholder="Search Project"
           value={this.state.searchTerm} />

    <ul style={{ display: this.state.searchTerm.length && !this.state.projectTitle ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
      <li style={{ display: (!this.props.searchResults && this.state.searchTerm) || this.props.searchResults.length === 0 ? 'list-item' : 'none' }}>
        No search results

      { this.props.searchResults ?
         Object.keys(this.props.searchResults).map( (id) =>
         <li key={id}
           onClick={() => {
             this.setState({searchTerm: this.props.searchResults[id].title});
         </li> ) : ""

View projects listed in order by creation date

Users can create and view projects.

Data visualization of projects and tasks

Users have access to analyzed data of their projects and tasks with time spent in pie chart and bar graphs.

D3 was used to develop live piechart with legends and hover effects.

class DataSeries extends React.Component {
render() {
  const color = this.props.colors;
  const data = this.props.data;
  const width  = this.props.width;
  const height = this.props.height;
  const pie = d3.layout.pie().padAngle(.02);
  const result = data.map(item => item.count);
  const names = data.map(item => item.name);
  const sum = result.reduce(((memo, num) => memo + num), 0);
  const position = "translate(" + (width)/2 + "," + (height)/2 + ")";
  const bars = (pie(result)).map((point, i) => {
    return (
      <Sector data={point}

  return (
    <g transform={position}>{bars}</g>

Recharts was used to create barchart with animation.

Product Design

TimeKeeper was built in two weeks including creating the development plan. The development plan includes the estimated timeline, planned database schema, along with the original wireframes and other planning documents.


TimeKeeper utilizes Ruby on Rails for the back end API and React.js for the front end.


TimeKeeper is a single page app.

The following is a list of some of the technologies used to create the TimeKeeper front end.

  • React.js is the framework used for the entirety of the front end.
  • React Router is used to update the view based on the URL path.
  • Redux is utilized to store the bulk of the data needed on the client-side, and to trigger API calls as needed.
  • Sass is used to better organize the CSS.
  • jQuery is used for ajax calls.
  • webpack is used to bundle and minify javascript files.
  • Babel is used to translate jsx into javascript.


TimeKeeper makes asynchronous http requests to the back end to create, fetch, update, and delete data.

The following is a list of some of the technologies used to create the TimeKeeper back end.

  • Ruby on Rails is the framework used for the back end, creating models that interact with the database, controllers that contain methods to respond to http requests, a router that maps routes to those controller methods, and jbuilder views to respond to requests with JSON data.
  • Heroku hosts TimeKeeper.
  • BCrypt is used to securely hash and salt passwords before storing them in the database so that raw passwords are never stored.
  • Cloudinary is where the images are stored.

Future Implementation

There are many features planned for TimeKeeper, including the following:

  • Coworkers Users will be able to add coworkers to projects to share the data.
  • Messaging Users will be able to send messages to each other and see responses in real time.
  • Notifications Users will see when one of their coworkers messages or comments on their projects.