


An app of many steps :)

Trail is an experiment in a generic workflow engine as the heart of a background processing app. Is it easier to extend and understand?

It uses:

  • Postgresql for persistence
  • Sorbet for static type checking
  • Minitest for tests
  • Fixtures for test data
  • A minimal amount of progressive JavaScript using the Stimulus library

Perhaps unusually, it does not use:

  • RSpec (slow, complicated)
  • Factory bot (slow)
  • Lazy loading of associations (slow)
  • Sidekiq (unreliable, the throughput is not needed)
  • Redis (the aim is to write fast code rather than to use caching as a
    band-aid over slow code)
  • Large amounts of front-end code (slows page load, error prone, expensive to
    develop for a small team, reduces device compatibility)