
TLS 1.3 implementation in Ruby (Tiny Trial TLS1.3 aka tttls1.3)

MIT License



tttls1.3 is Ruby implementation of TLS 1.3 protocol.

tttls1.3 uses openssl for crypto and X.509 operations.

It is the purpose of this project to understand the TLS 1.3 protocol and implement the TLS 1.3 protocol using Ruby. Backward compatibility and performance are not objective. This gem should not be used for production software.



tttls1.3 provides client API with the following features:

  • Simple 1-RTT Handshake
  • HelloRetryRequest
  • Resumed 0-RTT Handshake (with PSK from NST)
  • ECH

NOT supports certificate with OID RSASSA-PSS, X25519, X448, FFDHE, AES-CCM, Client Authentication, Post-Handshake Authentication, KeyUpdate and external PSKs.


tttls1.3 provides server API with the following features:

  • Simple 1-RTT Handshake
  • HelloRetryRequest

NOT supports certificate with OID RSASSA-PSS, X25519, X448, FFDHE, AES-CCM, Client Authentication, Post-Handshake Authentication, KeyUpdate, external PSKs and Resumed 0-RTT Handshake.

Getting started

tttls1.3 gem is available at You can install with:

$ gem install tttls1.3

This implementation provides only minimal API, so your code is responsible for the application layer. Roughly, this works as follows:

require 'tttls1.3'

socket =
client =, YOUR_HOSTNAME)

require 'tttls1.3'

socket =
server =
  crt_file: '/path/to/crt/file',
  key_file: '/path/to/key/file'

Here are some examples of HTTPS.



tttls1.3 client is configurable using keyword arguments.

key type default value description
:ca_file String nil Path to the additional root CA certificate files. If not needed to add, set nil.
:cipher_suites Array of TTTLS13::CipherSuite constant TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 List of cipher suites offered in ClientHello.
:signature_algorithms Array of TTTLS13::SignatureScheme constant ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256, ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384, ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA384, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA512, RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, RSA_PKCS1_SHA384, RSA_PKCS1_SHA512 List of signature algorithms offered in ClientHello extensions.
:signature_algorithms_cert Array of TTTLS13::SignatureScheme constant nil List of certificate signature algorithms offered in ClientHello extensions. You can set this to signal the difference between the signature algorithm and :signature_algorithms.
:supported_groups Array of TTTLS13::NamedGroup constant SECP256R1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1 List of named groups offered in ClientHello extensions.
:key_share_groups Array of TTTLS13::NamedGroup constant nil List of named groups offered in KeyShareClientHello. In default, KeyShareClientHello has only a KeyShareEntry of most preferred named group in :supported_groups. You can set this to send KeyShareClientHello that has multiple KeyShareEntry.
:alpn Array of String nil List of application protocols offered in ClientHello extensions. If not needed to be present, set nil.
:process_new_session_ticket Proc nil Proc that processes received NewSessionTicket. Its 3 arguments are TTTLS13::Message::NewSessionTicket, resumption main secret and cipher suite. If not needed to process NewSessionTicket, set nil.
:ticket String nil The ticket for PSK.
:resumption_secret String nil The resumption main secret.
:psk_cipher_suite TTTLS13::CipherSuite constant nil The cipher suite for PSK.
:ticket_nonce String nil The ticket_nonce for PSK.
:ticket_age_add String nil The ticket_age_add for PSK.
:ticket_timestamp Integer nil The ticket_timestamp for PSK.
:record_size_limit Integer nil The record_size_limit offerd in ClientHello extensions. If not needed to be present, set nil.
:check_certificate_status Boolean false If needed to check certificate status, set true.
:process_certificate_status Proc TTTLS13::Client.method(:softfail_check_certificate_status) Proc(or Method) that checks received OCSPResponse. Its 3 arguments are OpenSSL::OCSP::Response, end-entity certificate(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) and certificates chain(Array of Certificate) used for verification and it returns Boolean.
:compress_certificate_algorithms Array of TTTLS13::Message::Extension::CertificateCompressionAlgorithm constant ZLIB The compression algorithms are supported for compressing the Certificate message.
:ech_config ECHConfig nil ECHConfig to use ECH. See ech_config.
:ech_hpke_cipher_suites Array of ECHConfig::ECHConfigContents::HpkeKeyConfig::HpkeSymmetricCipherSuite nil If needed to use ECH, set client preference HPKE cipher suites. For example, you can set TTTLS13::STANDARD_CLIENT_ECH_HPKE_SYMMETRIC_CIPHER_SUITES.
:compatibility_mode Boolean true If needed to send ChangeCipherSpec, set true.
:sslkeylogfile String nil If needed to log SSLKEYLOGFILE, set the file path.
:loglevel Logger constant Logger::WARN If needed to print verbose, set Logger::DEBUG.


tttls1.3 server is configurable using keyword arguments.

key type default value description
:crt_file String nil Path to the certificate file. This is a required setting.
:chain_files Array of String nil Paths to the itermediate certificate files.
:key_file String nil Path to the private key file. This is a required setting.
:cipher_suites Array of TTTLS13::CipherSuite constant TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 List of supported cipher suites.
:signature_algorithms Array of TTTLS13::SignatureScheme constant ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256, ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384, ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA384, RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA512, RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, RSA_PKCS1_SHA384, RSA_PKCS1_SHA512 List of supported signature algorithms.
:supported_groups Array of TTTLS13::NamedGroup constant SECP256R1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1 List of supported named groups.
:alpn Array of String nil List of supported application protocols. If not needed to check this extension, set nil.
:process_ocsp_response Proc nil Proc that gets OpenSSL::OCSP::Response. If not needed to staple OCSP::Response, set nil.
:compress_certificate_algorithms Array of TTTLS13::Message::Extension::CertificateCompressionAlgorithm constant ZLIB The compression algorithms are supported for compressing the Certificate message.
:compatibility_mode Boolean true If needed to send ChangeCipherSpec, set true.
:sslkeylogfile String nil If needed to log SSLKEYLOGFILE, set the file path.
:loglevel Logger constant Logger::WARN If needed to print verbose, set Logger::DEBUG.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.