
Send an email of a twitter list's tweets every day.



Send an email of a twitter list's tweets every day.


This isn't quite a one click deploy. After you deploy to heroku (by clicking the button above), you will need to configure the following environment variables in Heroku by either using the heroku config:add command or the web ui.

  • EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS='Tweet Today <[email protected]>' This will need to be configured in the postmark ui. You can see that by either clicking the link in the web ui or running heroku addons:open postmark. You can either configure a whole domain or just a single address.
  • EMAIL_TO_ADDRESS='Your Name <[email protected]>' This is where you want the email to go.
  • TWITTER_KEY=blob You get this from twitter at
  • TWITTER_SECRET=blob You get this from twitter at
  • TWITTER_LIST=icco/short-list This should be a public list on Twitter in the form of username/listname.

Once all of these are set, open the scheduler ui (either on the web or with heroku addons:open scheduler) and set a daily script to run at the end of the day UTC with the command of rake.

After that, it should just work. You can run heroku run rake to test if everything is configured right.

Extracted from project README