
Unicode normalization library. (Mirror of Yoshida-san's code base to maintain the RubyGem.)

	   Unicode Library for Ruby
		Version 0.4.4

	       Yoshida Masato
  • Introduction

    Unicode string manipulation library for Ruby. This library is based on UAX #15 Unicode Normalization Forms(*1).

    *1 URL:http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/

  • Install

    This can work with ruby-1.8.7 or later. I recommend you to use ruby-1.9.3 or later.

    Make and install usually. For example, when Ruby supports dynamic linking on your OS,

    ruby extconf.rb make make install

    To install using gem, for exapmle:

    gem build unicdoe.gemspac gem install unicode

  • Usage

    If you do not link this module with Ruby statically,

    require "unicode"

    before using.

  • Module Functions

    All parameters of functions must be UTF-8 strings.

    Unicode::strcmp(str1, str2) Unicode::strcmp_compat(str1, str2) Compare Unicode strings with a normalization. strcmp uses the Normalization Form D, strcmp_compat uses Normalization Form KD.

    Unicode::decompose(str) Unicode::decompose_compat(str) Decompose Unicode string. Then the trailing characters are sorted in canonical order. decompose uses the canonical decomposition, decompose_compat uses the compatibility decomposition. The decomposition is based on the character decomposition mapping in UnicodeData.txt and the Hangul decomposition algorithm.

    Unicode::decompose_safe(str) Decompose Unicode string with a non-standard mapping. It does not decompose the characters in CompositionExclusions.txt.

    Unicode::compose(str) Compose Unicode string. Before composing, the trailing characters are sorted in canonical order. The parameter must be decomposed. The composition is based on the reverse of the character decomposition mapping in UnicodeData.txt, CompositionExclusions.txt and the Hangul composition algorithm.

    Unicode::normalize_D(str) (Unicode::nfd(str)) Unicode::normalize_KD(str) (Unicode::nfkd(str)) Normalize Unicode string in form D or form KD. These are aliases of decompose/decompose_compat.

    Unicode::normalize_D_safe(str) (Unicode::nfd_safe(str)) This is an alias of decompose_safe.

    Unicode::normalize_C(str) (Unicode::nfc(str)) Unicode::normalize_KC(str) (Unicode::nfkc(str)) Normalize Unicode string in form C or form KC. normalize_C = decompose + compose normalize_KC = decompose_compat + compose

    Unicode::normalize_C_safe(str) (Unicode::nfc_safe(str)) Normalize Unicode string with decompose_safe. normalize_C_safe = decompose_safe + compose

    Unicode::upcase(str) Unicode::downcase(str) Unicode::capitalize(str) Case conversion functions. The mappings that are used by these functions are not normative in UnicodeData.txt.

    Unicode::categories(str) Unicode::abbr_categories(str) Get an array of general category names of the string. get_abbr_categories returns abbreviated names. These can be called with a block.

    Unicode.get_category do |category| p category end

    Unicode::text_elements(str) Get an array of text elements. A text element is a unit that is displayed as a single character. These can be called with a block.

    Unicode::width(str[, cjk]) Estimate the display width on the fixed pitch text terminal. It based on Markus Kuhn's mk_wcwidth. If the optional argument 'cjk' is true, East Asian Ambiguous characters are treated as wide characters.

    Unicode.width("\u03b1") #=> 1
    Unicode.width("\u03b1", true) #=> 2
  • Bugs

    UAX #15 suggests that the look up for Normalization Form C should not be implemented with a hash of string for better performance.

  • Copying

    This extension module is copyrighted free software by Yoshida Masato.

    You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.

  • Author

    Yoshida Masato [email protected]

  • History

    Feb 7, 2013 version 0.4.4 update unidata.map for Unicode 6.2 Aug 8, 2012 version 0.4.3 add categories, text_elements and width Feb 29, 2012 version 0.4.2 add decompose_safe Feb 3, 2012 version 0.4.1 update unidata.map for Unicode 6.1 Oct 14, 2010 version 0.4.0 fix the composition algorithm, and support Unicode 6.0 Feb 26, 2010 version 0.3.0 fix a capitalize bug and support SpecialCasing Dec 29, 2009 version 0.2.0 update for Ruby 1.9.1 and Unicode 5.2 Sep 10, 2005 version 0.1.2 update unidata.map for Unicode 4.1.0 Aug 26, 2004 version 0.1.1 update unidata.map for Unicode 4.0.1 Nov 23, 1999 version 0.1