
Example of integration of Vagrant, deploy-drupal cookbook, and your Drupal project.


Vagrant Drupal Template

This repo exists to suggest a template for organizing your new or existing Drupal project repo, to be compatible with the deploy-drupal cookbook. By following our suggestions, you will have a complete workflow for quickly getting a Vagrant VM that's ready to serve your as your complete dev environment, including:

  • deploying a Drupal development site, either from scratch, or from an existing codebase and DB dump,
  • ability to edit the deployed codebase, and commit changes to upstream git repo
  • ability to backup database and uploaded files to host machine, in case VM gets destroyed


This guide will cover the workflow around 3 main cases:

  • deploying a fresh install of Drupal
  • comitting the freshly-installed Drupal site into a git repo
  • deploying existing Drupal codebase and SQL dump

Deploying a fresh Drupal install

For this case, there is nothing to do. Simply run vagrant up and the deploy-drupal cookbook will download the latest stable version of D7, and run drush site-install for to populate a clean Drupal database.

If you don't customize the settings in Vagrantfile, then:

  • In the host, the fresh Drupal install will be accessible http://localhost:8080
  • In the VM, the fresh Drupal install will be accessible at http://localhost:80
  • In the host, 'PROJECTROOT' will contain only the initial checkout of the project repo, cotaining this
  • In the VM, /vagrant will be a synced mount of PROJECTROOT, containing this
  • In the VM, /vagrant will be copied to /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal/
  • In the VM, apache will serve Drupal from /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal/site/
  • In the VM, calls to drush sql-dump --result-file will be stored in /home/vagrant/drush-backups
  • In the host, PROJECTROOT/db is a synced folder linked to /home/varant/drush-backups
  • The VM will mount your PROJECTROOT (this folder) in /vagrant

Creating project repo

After the initial deployment, it's recommended to commit the newly created site to a newly-created git repo, as follows:

vagrant ssh
cd /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal

# make a backup of the site
drush --root='/var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal/site' sql-dump --gzip --result-file='../db/dump.sql.gz'

# clean up: remove, etc.

echo "settings-priv.php sites/default/files" | tr ' ' '\n' >> .gitignore
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Fresh Drupal site created by deploy-drupal cookbook"

# create a new repo, say at github

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

At this point, we recommend to blow away PROJECTROOT on the host, and recreate it from the NEWREPO.git, which can be done as follows:

# exit vagrant ssh
git remote set-url upstream
git pull # this will auto-merge your repo
git push -u origin master # pushes vagrant-chef commits (including this to your new repo

Now simply redeploy the Drupal dev environment from the new Drupal repository:

# alternative: RESET_DRUPAL=1 vagrant provision
vagrant destroy # be sure you committed and pushed all your code & db!
vagrant up

Deploying from existing project repo

At this point we assume you have cloned a Drupal project repository, contianing a Drupal codebase, SQL dump, and suitable Vagrantfile and Berksfile configurations. Note that the default Vagrantfile contains the following configuration for the deploy-drupal cookbook:

'drupal-deploy' => { 
  'sql_load_file' => '/vagrant/db/dump.sql.gz', # if non-existant, DB will be initialized via 'drush si'
  'codebase_source_path' =>  '/vagrant/site', # if folder is empty, will download D7 instead

Adjust these as needed, then simply run vagrant up to do the following:

  • Mount $PROJECTROOT as a synced folder, available on the VM at /vagrant
  • Copy /vagrant to /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal, but only once.
  • Set up Apache to serve /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal/site
  • Load the specified SQL dump into the Drupal database, but only once.

At this point,

  • In the VM, your drupal site is accessible at http://localhost:80
  • In the host, your drupal site is accessible at http://localhost:8080
  • In the VM, make modifications, commits and pushes from the git repo at /var/shared/sites/cooked.drupal/site
  • In the host, ocassionally run git pull to update the codebase in $PROJECTROOT.
  • In the host, $PROJECTROOT/db will contain all the database dumps produced via drush sql-dump --gzip --result-file. Commit these as appropriate.
  • In the host, make any desired changes to Vagrantfile configuration by editing $PROJECTROOT/Vagrantfile. Commit these as appropriate.


These are a few pre-requisites to install:


There are currently serious problems with deploy-drupal and git:

  • settings-priv.php creation isn't implemented yet.
    • Until this happens, committing settings.php into git will commit your
      (development) DB credentials too.
  • currently the chef resource 'bash[copy-drupal-site]' in deploy-drupal
    makes it impossible to keep the Drupal site as a subfolder of the git repo
    (eg PROJECTROOT/site).

Hacking on the deploy-drupal cookbook

To hack on the deploy-drupal cookbook, fork, then do the following:

mkdir site-cookbooks
git clone site-cookbooks/deploy-drupal
vim Berksfile # uncomment the following line:   cookbook 'deploy-drupal', :path => 'site-cookbooks/deploy-drupal'
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