
A standardised rinse and repeat Front End development environment


vagrant-stack Bitdeli Badge

Provides a standardised rinse and repeat Front End development environment.


Checkout or download project


> cd some/dir
> git clone

Windows users use git bash or suitable alternative


Initial installation should take at most 10-20 minutes as some resources may need to be downloaded form the internet.

Install vagrant dependences

AWS Support

> vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-awsinfo
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus ( install chef )


> vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier ( faster provisions )
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf ( chef dependencies )
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf ( easier proxy configuration )

Customizing your environment (optional)

Depending upon the project you can customise the VM to suit your needs. If no configuration file is specified then the following defaults are applied.

  • Role: Frontend

To override the default configuration, copy `chef/node/stack.json' to /stack.json at the root of vagrant-stack and add your customisations as required.


A role defines a collection of packages which are installed by default for the VM during the provisioning process.

Frontend (Default)
Package Overview
node.js & npm Provides support for node.js utilities
n (node version manager) Provides support for switching node.js version
bower Client side package manager
grunt JavaScript task runner
susy Responsive sass css framework
sass CSS Preprocessor
sassy buttons Quickly create CSS buttons
compass Enhance SASS
compass-normalize CSS Normalize reset


If you have exisiting projects already checked out then these can be referenced using the workspaces configuration.

Locations added here will be available under /<project>

workspaces: [

		"host": "some/local/path"
		"guest" "some/remote/path"


A default workspace can be accessed via workspace, this is typically used is vagrant-stack is a dependency for an existing project.

Initialize environment

Execute the command below to provision the VM with the default setup.

> vagrant up

When ever you update your configuration, such as adding a new shared folder, exit out of the VM if you currently have an SSH session and run:

> vagrant reload
> vagrant ssh

Using your development environment

Accessing the VM is done via SSH, the command below facilitates this.

> vagrant ssh
> cd /workspace

If you reboot your machine you will need to run vagrant up again but since it has already been provisioned it should take < 60 seconds to resume.

For more information on available commands post installation review the vagrant commandline documentation located here