


This is a project written in Ruby-on-Rails as an API with an endpoint to quote a customer's expected storage price given n storage items.

Project dependencies:

  • Ruby version: 2.5.5p157
  • Rails version: 5.2.3

To Run The Project:

  • open your terminal / command-prompt

  • type git clone https://github.com/PolarisTLX/warehousepricing.git to clone the project.

  • type cd warehousepricing to move into the project directory

  • type rails db:migrate to create the database

  • type rails db:seed to load the starting data

  • start the server with the command rails s

  • Using Postman (or other tool to make API requests), you can make a GET request to get the total cost for a customer with the endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers/:customer_id/total_cost/:num_items (replacing the values of :customer_id and :num_items).

Example: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/customers/4/total_cost/300

  • Customer "A" is :customer_id of 1
  • Customer "B" is :customer_id of 2
  • Customer "C" is :customer_id of 3
  • Customer "D" is :customer_id of 4

:num_items can be any number of items you wish to calculate the total cost for.

Results will look like:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "Total cost for customer: D for 300 items",
    "total_cost": 5346.0