
A 'which' command written entirely in Ruby--windows friendly [searches for .bat files, etc. appropriately]


ruby which: the linux "which" command re-written in ruby [and windows-friendly].

An executable locator (i.e. which or locate command) for windows that works!

Itch it scratches: there seems to be a lack of a "which" command for windows that actually work--they sometimes skip batch files entirely [batch file? what's that?] or don't list extensions, leaving you in doubt. Despite running "which yyy" you never know what you're really running when you next run yyy in the command line--is it yyy.exe or some other yyy.bat that wasn't reported by "which"?

Try it--you might really like it.


C:>whichr ruby higher in the list will be executed first ./ruby.bat C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe c:/cygwin/bin/ruby.exe

C:>whichr rub* higher in the list will be executed first c:/ruby/bin/rubigen c:/ruby/bin/rubigen.bat c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe ...


C:>gem install rogerdpack-whichr --source http://gems.github.com


Feedback welcome rogerdpack on github/gmail

Also Related: http://github.com/Pistos/ruby-which discovers the location of installed ruby libraries, i.e. which gem folder they're in C:>rwhich ruby-which c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/Pistos-ruby-which-0.5.3/lib/ruby-which.rb

Except you don't actually need it since you have $ gem which fileutils /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb

Thanks Eric!