
X12 Parser - a library to manipulate X12 structures using native Ruby syntax. This is only a github clone of the X12 rubyforge project located at: http://rubyforge.org/projects/x12parser/

LGPL-2.1 License


= X12Parser - a library to manipulate X12 structures using native Ruby syntax

$Id: README 92 2009-05-13 22:12:10Z ikk $

WARNING The project is in development. Contributors are welcome.

Project home is at http://rubyforge.org/projects/x12parser/. Please note, this is a different project from {Chris Parker's port}[http://rubyforge.org/projects/x12-parser/] of {X12::Parser Perl module}[http://search.cpan.org/~prasad/X12-0.09/lib/X12/Parser.pm].

== The goal

The idea is to access X12 messages directly from Ruby, i.e., using a syntax like


This syntax can be used to get and set any field of an X12 message and it makes X12 parsing much more straightforward and self-documenting.

== The problem

X12 is a set of "standards" possessing all the elegance of an elephant designed by committee, and quite literally so, see http://www.x12.org. X12 defines rough syntax for specifying text messages, but each of more than 300 specifications defines its own message structure. While messages themselves are easy to parse with a simple tokenizer, their semantics is heavily dependent on the domain. For example, this is X12/997 message conveying "Functional Acknowledgment":

ST9972878AK1HS293328532AK2270307272179AK3NM18L1010_08 AK40:0661~AK40:1661AK40:266*1AK3NM18L1010_18AK41:0 66*1AK41:1661~AK3NM18L1010_28~AK42:0661AK5R5AK9R1* 10~SE8*2878~

I.e., X12 defines an alphabet and somewhat of a dictionary - not a grammar or semantics for each particular data interchange conversation. Because of many entrenched implementations and government mandates, the X12 is not going to die anytime soon, unfortunately.

The message above can be easily represented in Ruby as a nested array:

m = [ ['ST', '997', '2878'], ['AK1', 'HS', '293328532'], ['AK2', '270', '307272179'], ['AK3', 'NM1', '8', 'L1010_0', '8'], ['AK4', '0:0', '66', '1'], ['AK4', '0:1', '66', '1'], ['AK4', '0:2', '66', '1'], ['AK3', 'NM1', '8', 'L1010_1', '8'], ['AK4', '1:0', '66', '1'], ['AK4', '1:1', '66', '1'], ['AK3', 'NM1', '8', 'L1010_2', '8'], ['AK4', '2:0', '66', '1'], ['AK5', 'R', '5'], ['AK9', 'R', '1', '1', '0'], ['SE', '8', '2878'], ]

but it will not help any since, say, segment 'AK4' is ambiguously defined and its meaning not at all obvious until the message's structure is interpreted and correct 'AK4' segment is found.

== The solution

=== Message structure

Each participant in EDI has to know the structure of the data coming across the wire - X12 or no X12. The X12 structures are defined in so-called Implementation Guides - thick books with all the data pieces spelled out. There is no other choice, but to invent a computer-readable definition language that will codify these books. For familiarity sake we'll use XML. For example, the X12/997 message can be defined as

Namely, the 997 is a 'loop' containing segments ST (only one), AK1 (also only one), another loop L1000 (zero or many repeats), segments AK9 and SE. The loop L1000 can contain a segment AK2 (optional) and another loop L1010 (zero or many), and so on.

The segments' structure can be further defined as, for example,

which defines a segment AK2 as having two fields: TransactionSetIdentifierCode and TransactionSetControlNumber. The field TransactionSetIdentifierCode is defined as having a type of string (default), being required, having length of minimum 3 and maximum 3 characters, and being validated against a table T143. The validation table is defined as

with entries having just names and values.

This message is fully flashed out in an example 'misc/997.xml' file, copied from the ASC X12N 276/277 (004010X093) "Health Care Claim Status Request and Response" National Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guide.

Now expressions like


start making sense of sorts, overall X12's idiocy notwithstanding - it's a field called 'DataElementReferenceNumber' of a first of possibly many segments 'AK4' found in the second repeat of the loop 'L1010' inside the enclosing loop 'L1000'. The meaning of the value '66' found in this field is still in the eye of the beholder, but, at least its location is clearly identified in the message.

=== X12 Structure Definition Language

The syntax of the X12 structure definition language should be apparent from the '997.xml' file enclosed with the package. A more detailed description follows in Appendix A.

=== Parsing

Here is how to parse an X12/997 message (the source is in example/parse.rb):

require 'x12'

Read message definition and create an actual parser

by compiling the XML file

parser = X12::Parser.new('misc/997.xml')

Define a test message to parse

m997='ST9972878AK1HS293328532AK2270307272179~' 'AK3NM18L1010_08AK40:066*1AK40:1661~AK40:2*' '661~AK3NM18L1010_18~AK41:0661AK41:166*1AK3*' 'NM18L1010_28~AK42:0661AK5R5AK9R110SE82878'

Parse the message

r = parser.parse('997', m997)

Access components of the message as desired

Whole ST segment: -> ST9972878~

puts r.ST

One filed, Group Control Number of AK1 -> 293328532

puts r.AK1.GroupControlNumber

Individual loop, namely, third L1010 sub-loop of

L1000 loop: -> AK3NM18L1010_28AK42:066*1

puts r.L1000.L1010[2]

First encounter of Data Element Reference Number of the

first L1010 sub-loop of L1000 loop -> 66

puts r.L1000.L1010.AK4.DataElementReferenceNumber

Number of L1010 sub-loops in L1000 loop -> 3

puts r.L1000.L1010.size

=== Generating

Here is how to perform a reverse operation and generate a well-formed 997 message (the source is in example/factory.rb):

require 'x12'

Read message definition and create an actual parser

by compiling .d12 file

parser = X12::Parser.new('misc/997.xml')

Make a new 997 message

r = parser.factory('997')

Set various fields as desired

Set fields directly

r.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = 997 r.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber = '2878'

Set fields inside a segment (AK1 in this case)

r.AK1 { |ak1| ak1.FunctionalIdentifierCode = 'HS' ak1.GroupControlNumber = 293328532 }

Set fields deeply inside a segment inside

nested loops (L1000/L1010/AK4 in this case)

r.L1000.L1010.AK4.DataElementSyntaxErrorCode = 55 r.L1000.AK2.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = 270

Set nested loops

r.L1000.L1010 {|l| l.AK3 {|s| s.SegmentIdCode = 'NM1' s.LoopIdentifierCode = 'L1000D' } l.AK4 {|s| s.CopyOfBadDataElement = 'Bad element' } }

Add loop repeats

r.L1000.repeat {|l1000| (0..1).each {|loop_repeat| # Two repeats of the loop L1010 l1000.L1010.repeat {|l1010| l1010.AK3 {|s| s.SegmentIdCode = 'DMG' s.SegmentPositionInTransactionSet = 0 s.LoopIdentifierCode = 'L1010' s.SegmentSyntaxErrorCode = 22 } if loop_repeat == 0 # AK3 only in the first repeat of L1010 (0..1).each {|ak4_repeat| # Two repeats of the segment AK4 l1010.AK4.repeat {|s| s.PositionInSegment = loop_repeat s.DataElementSyntaxErrorCode = ak4_repeat } # s } # ak4_repeat } # l1010 } # loop_repeat

  a.TransactionSetAcknowledgmentCode = 666
  a.TransactionSetSyntaxErrorCode4   = 999
} # a

} # l1000

Print the message as a string -> ST9972878AK1HS293328532

AK2270AK3*NM1**L1000DAK455Bad element~AK5~AK3DMG0



puts r.render

== Download

The latest X12 library version can be downloaded from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=7297

== Installation

You can install X12 library with the following command.

% gem install X12

== License

X12 library is released under the Lesser GPL license, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt

== Major deficiencies

  • Validation is not implemented.
  • Field types and sizes are ignored.
  • No access methods for composites' fields.

== Support

Please use the following:

== Acknowledgments

The authors of the project were inspired by the following works:

  1. The Perl X12 parser by Prasad Poruporuthan, http://search.cpan.org/~prasad/X12-0.09/lib/X12/Parser.pm
  2. The Ruby port of the above by Chris Parker, http://rubyforge.org/projects/x12-parser/

== Appendix A. Structure definition language

The structure definition language uses XML to describe X12 message format. A message definition can be in a single file or in several. If the definition parser encounters an element (segment, composite, or table), which has not been previously defined, it tries to load the definition from the file with the same name and in the same directory. For example, if a loop mentions a segment named 'ST' and this segment is not defined, the parser will try to load and parse a file called 'ST.xml'. This convention works for any name unless it conflicts with a Microsoft's device name, see Appendix B.

Each element in a structure definition (except 'Definition') must have an attribute called 'name'. It is used to set/get respective content from Ruby. If an element's 'name' attribute cannot be a valid Ruby identifier (for example, '270'), the parser will prepend the name with '_' (underscore). I.e., this expression is not valid:


but his one is


Each XML file has to have a single root element, one of the following:

=== Definition

The 'Definition' element can have nested loops, segments, composites, and tables. It is used to provide 'artificial' root element for XML document when several definitions are in one physical file. For example, this is `misc/997single.xml' (edited for size):

<Composite name="C030">
  <Field name="ElementPositionInSegment" type="long" required="n" min="1" max="2"/>
  <Field name="ComponentDataElementPositionInComposite" type="long" required="y" min="1" max="2"/>
  <Field name="RepeatingDataElementPosition" type="long" required="y" min="1" max="4"/>

<Segment name="AK1">
  <Field name="FunctionalIdentifierCode" min="2" max="2" validation="T479"/>
  <Field name="GroupControlNumber" type="long" min="1" max="9"/>

<Table name="T723">
  <Entry name="1" value="Mandatory data element missing"/>
  <Entry name="2" value="Conditional required data element missing."/>
  <!-- ... other entries -->
  <Entry name="13" value="Too Many Components"/>

<!-- ... other segments or composites or tables -->

<Loop name="997">
  <Segment name="ST" min="1" max="1"/>
  <Segment name="AK1" min="1" max="1"/>
  <Loop name="L1000" max="999999" required="y">
    <Segment name="AK2" max="1" required="n"/>
    <Loop name="L1010" max="999999" required="n">
      <Segment name="AK3" max="1" required="n"/>
      <Segment name="AK4" max="99" required="n"/>
    <Segment name="AK5" max="1" required="y"/>
  <Segment name="AK9" max="1" required="y"/>
  <Segment name="SE"  max="1" required="y"/>

This element does not have any attributes and cannot be addressed from Ruby's API.

=== Loop

The 'Loop' element is a main element to define either loops or whole messages. Loops can have nested segments and other loops.

Note, that a segment defined inside a loop takes precedence over previously defined segments. This is convenient if a special version of a segment is required. For example, this is a general definition of an 'ST' segment stored in a 'ST.xml' file:

If you want the X12 parser to look for a particular message type, say '997', do this:

A loop can have the following attributes:

  • min - minimal number of repeats allowed, default is 0.
  • max - maximum number of repeats allowed, default is 'inf' (infinite).
  • required - if the loop is required (boolean), default is false. The true value implies min="1".
  • comment - ignored

=== Segment

Segments can only have nested fields. Attributes are as follows:

  • min - minimal number of repeats allowed, default is 0. Value min>0 implies required="y".
  • max - maximum number of repeats allowed, default is 'inf' (infinite).
  • required - if the segment is required (boolean), default is false. The true value implies min="1".
  • comment - ignored

All attributed except 'name' are ignored in standalone definitions outside any loop.

=== Composite Same as a segment.

=== Table

Tables can only have entries defined as name-value pairs. Order is not important. Only required attribute is 'name'.

=== Field

A field cannot have any nested elements, but its attributes are very important:

  • min - minimal number of characters allowed, default is 0. Value min>0 DOES NOT imply required="y" - the field can be missing, but may require a minimum length if present.
  • max - maximum number of characters allowed, default is 'inf' (infinite).
  • required - if the field is required (boolean), default is false. The true value DOES NOT imply min="1".
  • type - one of the 'string' (default), 'integer', 'long', or 'double'. These abbreviations are also valid: 'str', 'int'.
  • const - forces the field to have this value, if present.
  • validation - the name of a validation table, if any.
  • comment - ignored

== Appendix B. Microsoft's device file names

Apparently, in Microsoft's operating systems one cannot create a file named like 'device_name.whatever', for example, 'CON.xml' is highly illegal. For such cases, the X12 parser creates an exception and expects 'CON_.xml' instead.

Here is the full device list according to Microsoft (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/74496):

Name Function

CON Keyboard and display PRN System list device, usually a parallel port AUX Auxiliary device, usually a serial port CLOCK$ System real-time clock NUL Bit-bucket device A:-Z: Drive letters COM1 First serial communications port LPT1 First parallel printer port LPT2 Second parallel printer port LPT3 Third parallel printer port COM2 Second serial communications port COM3 Third serial communications port COM4 Fourth serial communications port