
A rust re-implementation of an old embedded C project.

MIT License



This is a rust re-implementation of an embedded C project I did a while ago: AmbientSensor.

Schematics, photos, ect. will be in that repository, this repository is just for the rust firmware.


This is still a work in progress.

  1. The OPT3002 luminosity sensor is not implemented.
  2. The panic handler needs to get hooked up to the EEPROM to store error logs then reset.


Co-workers kept hyping up this new rust language, and I wanted to see if the hype was warranted.

On paper rust seems amazing, but the only way to really evaluate a language is to use it. I specifically wanted to compare embedded rust to embedded C, and AmbientSensor was simply the last embedded project I completed in C.

Turns out, the hype was warranted.

There is not a lot of commentary I can offer about embedded rust that has not already been said. The concepts rust introduces (safety, ownership, lifetimes) make developing robust code simple. The language is new and still has a small (but rapidly growing) ecosystem for embedded development. From my experience a lot of embedded development is still C simply because nothing else offers a compelling reason to switch (except C++ depending on who you ask). The features rust brings to the table are incredibly compelling for embedded development, and I think rust has a bright future in this industry.

Notable crates used

Crates Developed


You will need rustup and the thumbv6m-none-eabi target.

rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi

After you have that target available you can build, the default target is already set in .cargo/config.toml.

cargo build
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