
Filter by enum variant in Bevy queries

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Filter queries by enum variants!

In Rust, enum variants aren't types. This means we normally can't filter for them in a Bevy Query. The alternative, then is to use a set of "marker" components. This works well enough, but we miss out on the semantics of using an enum (and the ability to perform enum-specific operations such as match-ing).

This crate allows us to query for entities based on the specific variant of an enum component:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_enum_filter::prelude::*;

#[derive(Component, EnumFilter)]
enum ItemType {

fn apply_potion(item_query: Query<(Entity, &ItemType), Added<Enum!(ItemType::Potion)>>) {
  // ...

fn main() {
    // ...
    .add_systems(Update, apply_potion)

๐Ÿ“ฒ Installation

Add the following to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml.

bevy_enum_filter = "0.3.0"

๐Ÿคจ How it works

Surprise! It's just marker structs!

Deriving EnumFilter generates a module containing a marker struct per variant. The module is named using the enum's name (snake-cased) followed by _filters. For example, our ItemType enum generates the following module:

// Auto-generated!
mod item_type_filters {
  pub struct Equippable;
  pub struct Weapon;
  pub struct Potion;

When we then register our enum using app.add_enum_filter, we are adding a system that watches for changes (additions/mutations) related to that enum component. The system will then add or remove the appropriate marker struct whenever there's a change.

The Enum! macro then takes the given enum path and grabs the corresponding marker struct from the module. So Enum!(ItemType::Potion) corresponds to the item_type_filters::Potion type.

๐Ÿ“ข: This is why you must have your generated module in scope!


Because this is basically just change detection under the hood, it's important to remember when the filter actually takes effect. By default, the system added by app.add_enum_filter runs in the PostUpdate stage. This means you will not see the filter work until the that stage is complete.

And remember that any components changed in Update would not see their filters work until PostUpdate anyway since we need to cross a stage boundary for commands to flush. This means we realistically only lose out on a single stage.

If you need it to run after a certain system or within a certain stage, you could always add the watch_for_enum system yourself.

๐Ÿ•Š Bevy Compatibility

bevy bevy_enum_filter
0.8.1 0.1.0
0.11.x 0.2.0
0.12.x 0.3.0