
Particle Systems in bevy

MIT License


Bevy Tickles

CPU based Particle systems plugin for bevy inspired by Unity3D shuriken particle system.

This is a work in progress with many missing features, it is not suitable for production. As this lib is in very early stage, expect the API to change often


Add ParticlesPlugin to your bevy App

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_particles::prelude::*;

fn main() {

You can then use ParticleSystemBundle to spawn particle systems.

Note: The particle modifiers are not included in the bundle, insert the modifiers you want to the particle system entity. (See the example)


bevy_tickles provides two kinds of components:

  • The Main Components which are part of the ParticleSystemBundle
  • The modifiers which are optional effects on the particles or the entire system

Built-in modifiers

name description
MaxParticleCount Limits the amount of particles (PERF)
MaxParticleSize Limits the size of particles
MaxParticleSpeed Limits the speed of particles
ParticleGravity Adds a custom gravity force to particles
SpeedOverTime Changes particle speed over time
VelocityOverTime Changes particle velocity over time
AngularVelocityOverTime Changes particle angular velocity (z rotation) over time
OrbitalVelocityOverLifeTime Changes the particle velocity around the center over its lifetime
LinearVelocityOverLifeTime Changes the particle velocity linearly over its lifetime
SizeOverTime Changes particle size over time
SizeOverSpeed Changes particle size over its speed
RotationOverVelocity Rotates particles according to its velocity and direction
RotationOverTime Rotates particles over time
ColorOverLifeTime Sets color of a particle over time using a color gradient
ColorOverSpeed Sets color of a particle over its using a color gradient
PerlinNoise Uses a perlin noise to change particle velocity/Size/Rotation

Common mistakes

  • Rotating and scaling the particle system entity's Transform is often a bad idea, prefer using the ParticleEmitter::transform field.
  • Using conflicting modifers like ColorOverLifetime/ColorOverSpeed or SizeOverTime/SizeOverSpeed can lead to unexpected behaviors

Cargo Features

  1. inspector

This feature enables bevy_inspector_egui integration, allowing dynamic customization of your particle systems


  1. Basic example

Run with cargo run --example basic_example --features inspector

  1. Animated example

Run with cargo run --example animated_example --features inspector

  1. Explosion example

Run with cargo run --example explosion_example --features inspector

  1. Mesh example

Run with cargo run --example mesh_example --features inspector


  • computed visibility with AAB
  • Duration/Looping/Infinite particle emission
  • Complete modifier list
  • Sub Emitters and callbacks (trails/death)
  • Curves
  • Color gradients
  • Multi camera support
  • Lit particles
  • Perlin noise
  • Spread emission
  • Emission Stop/Pause behaviors
  • particle stretching
  • examples of classic particle systems:
    • Fire
    • Explosion
    • Mesh emission
    • Sci Fi Shield

Contributions welcome !

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