
A general-purpose transfom interpolation plugin for fixed timesteps for the Bevy game engine.

APACHE-2.0 License



A general-purpose Transform interpolation plugin for fixed timesteps for the Bevy game engine.

What Is This For?

A lot of gameplay logic and movement systems typically use a fixed timestep to produce consistent and stable behavior regardless of the frame rate. Notable examples include physics simulation and character movement.

However, this can make movement appear choppy, especially on displays with a high refresh rate. To achieve visually smooth movement while using a fixed timestep, the visual transform must be smoothed independently of the "true" gameplay transform.

The most common way to do this is to use transform interpolation, which interpolates movement from the previous state to the current state. This could be done by storing the current and old gameplay positions in their own components and interpolating Transform using them:

use bevy::prelude::*;

#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct Position(Vec3);

#[derive(Component, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct OldPosition(Vec3);

// Runs in `Update` or `PostUpdate`.
fn interpolate_transforms(
    mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Position, &OldPosition)>,
    fixed_time: Res<Time<Fixed>>
) {
    // How much of a "partial timestep" has accumulated since the last fixed timestep run.
    // Between `0.0` and `1.0`.
    let overstep = fixed_time.overstep_fraction();

    for (mut transform, position, old_position) in &mut query {
        // Linearly interpolate the translation from the old position to the current one.
        transform.translation = old_position.lerp(position.0, overstep_fraction);

In fact, you could simply plug the above implementation into your own application if you wanted to!

However, it requires you to use Position for gameplay logic, and to manage OldPosition somewhere. This can be annoying, and is incompatibile with third party libraries that expect to be able to modify the transform directly.

bevy_transform_interpolation aims to be a drop-in solution that allows easy and efficient transform interpolation, while still allowing the usage of Transform for gameplay logic. It should be automatically compatible with physics engines such as Avian and bevy_rapier, as long as the simulation is run in FixedUpdate or FixedPostUpdate.


First, add bevy_transform_interpolation to your dependencies in Cargo.toml:

bevy_transform_interpolation = { git = "" }

Next, add the TransformInterpolationPlugin:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_transform_interpolation::*;

fn main() {
        .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, TransformInterpolationPlugin::default()))
        // ...other plugins, resources, and systems

Transform interpolation can be enabled very granularly in bevy_transform_interpolation. You can choose to interpolate transform, rotation, or scale individually, or use any combination of them:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_transform_interpolation::*;

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    // Only interpolate translation.
    commands.spawn((TransformBundle::default(), TranslationInterpolation));
    // Only interpolate rotation.
    commands.spawn((TransformBundle::default(), RotationInterpolation));
    // Only interpolate scale.
    commands.spawn((TransformBundle::default(), ScaleInterpolation));
    // Interpolate translation and rotation, but not scale.
    // Interpolate the entire transform: translation, rotation, and scale.
    // The components can be added individually, or using the `TransformInterpolationBundle`.

You can also enable transform interpolation globally for all entities that have a Transform by configuring the TransformInterpolationPlugin:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_transform_interpolation::*;

fn main() {
            // Interpolate translation and rotation, but not scale.
            TransformInterpolationPlugin {
                global_translation_interpolation: true,
                global_rotation_interpolation: true,
                global_scale_interpolation: false,
        // ...other plugins, resources, and systems

If interpolation is enabled globally, it can still be disabled for individual entities using the NoTranslationInterpolation, NoRotationInterpolation, and NoScaleInterpolation components.

Now, any changes made to Transform in FixedPreUpdate, FixedUpdate, or FixedPostUpdate will automatically be smoothed in between the fixed timesteps for entities that have transform interpolation enabled.

Changing Transform manually in any schedule that doesn't use a fixed timestep is also supported, but it is equivalent to teleporting, and disables interpolation for the entity for the remainder of that fixed timestep.

How Does It Work?

Internally, bevy_transform_interpolation simply maintains components that store the start and end of the interpolation. For example, translation uses the following component for easing the movement:

pub struct TranslationEasingState {
    pub start: Option<Vec3>,
    pub end: Option<Vec3>,
  • At the start of the FixedFirst schedule, the states are reset to None.
  • In FixedFirst, for every entity with the TranslationInterpolation component, start is set to the current Transform.
  • In FixedLast, for every entity with the TranslationInterpolation component, end is set to the current Transform.

This way, start represents the "old" state, while end represents the "new" state after changes have been made to Transform in between FixedFirst and FixedLast. Rotation and scale are handled similarly.

The easing is then performed in PostUpdate, before Bevy's transform propagation systems. If the Transform is detected to have changed since the last easing run but outside of the fixed timestep schedules, the easing is reset to None to prevent overwriting the change.

Note that the core easing logic and components are intentionally not tied to interpolation directly. A physics engine could implement transform extrapolation using velocity and the same easing functionality, supplying its own TranslationExtrapolation and RotationExtrapolation components.


  • In cases where the previous or current gameplay transform are already stored separately from Transform,
    storing them in the easing states as well may be redundant. Although it is still useful for allowing
    Transform to be modified directly and for wider compatibility with the ecosystem.
  • Transform extrapolation is currently not supported as a built-in feature, as it typically requires a velocity
    for the prediction of the next state. However, it could be supported by external libraries such as physics engines
    in a similar way to src/, and simply updating the start and end states differently.
  • Large angular velocities may cause visual artifacts, as the interpolation follows the shortest path.
    A physics engine could handle this properly.


bevy_transform_interpolation is free and open source. All code in this repository is dual-licensed under either:

at your option.