
TUI for navigating file blames similar to GitHub's web UI

MIT License



A TUI for navigating file blames similar to GitHub's web UI experience.



This is a toy project to help me learn Rust while building something I find useful.


  • Syntax highlighting of file contents. Auto-detects file type based on the file's extension.
  • Easy time travel through the file's blame history. Move through the file's blame history via the parent-child relationship of each line's commit.
  • Move through blame contents by line or block. A block is a contiguous group of lines last modified by the same commit.


git clone
cd blame
cargo build --release
# the target/release directory contains the "blame" binary now
# you can move it to a directory in your PATH or run it directly


# file - path to a file
# ref - a commit hash, branch, or tag
blame <some/git/repo/filepath> <ref>

# Example: blame the src/ file in the Git repository for the project
blame src/ HEAD


Keyboard navigation:

  • up - move selection to line above.
  • down - move selection to line below.
  • } - move selection to first line of block above.
  • { - move selection to first line of block below.
  • left - travel backwards in time: show the blame for the file at the parent of the commit which changed the current line.
  • right - travel forwards in time: show the blame for the file and the commit from which we arrived at the current commit.
  • q - exit the program.


Ideas for future work

  • Write tests.
  • Publish the project on
  • Show message when trying to navigate to a parent commit when there's no parent.
  • Show stack of commits navigated through to reach current commit.
  • Indicator for how recent a line's commit was, e.g. by color or some character.
  • Jump to a line by number.
  • Jump to a line by searching contents.
  • File picker for selecting the file for blame.
  • Commit picker for selecting the commit for blame.
  • Config file for customizing keybindings, colors, columns, and column widths.
  • Show/hide columns and change column widths at runtime.
  • Show help screen after pressing ?.
  • Loading indicator in case of slow loading in repositories with large histories.
  • Open the file, blame or commit in the editor/browser.
  • Improve performance:
    • Cache the full file blame so that it doesn't need to be regenerated when re-visiting the same commit.
    • Parse blame info from Git's porcelain blame command, which is intended for machine consumption.
    • Reduce cloning the same information multiple times.
    • Concurrent loading of commit information.


MIT license