
Next-gen compile-time-checked builder generator, named function's arguments, and more!

APACHE-2.0 License


bon is a Rust crate for generating compile-time-checked builders for functions and structs. It also provides idiomatic partial application with optional and named parameters for functions and methods.

Visit the guide for a complete overview of the crate.

Quick examples

Builder for a free function

You can turn a function with positional parameters into a function with named parameters just by placing the #[builder] attribute on top of it.

use bon::builder;

fn greet(name: &str, level: Option<u32>) -> String {
    let level = level.unwrap_or(0);

    format!("Hello {name}! Your level is {level}")

let greeting = greet()
    .level(24) // <- setting `level` is optional, we could omit it

assert_eq!(greeting, "Hello Bon! Your level is 24");

Builder for an associated method

For associated methods you also need to add the #[bon] macro on top of the impl block.

use bon::bon;

struct User {
    id: u32,
    name: String,

#[bon] // <- this attribute is required on impl blocks that contain `#[builder]`
impl User {
    fn new(id: u32, name: String) -> Self {
        Self { id, name }

    fn greet(&self, target: &str, level: Option<&str>) -> String {
        let level = level.unwrap_or("INFO");
        let name = &;

        format!("[{level}] {name} says hello to {target}")

// The method named `new` generates `builder()/build()` methods
let user = User::builder()

// All other methods generate `method_name()/call()` methods
let greeting = user
    .target("the world")
    // `level` is optional, we can omit it here

assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(, "Bon");
assert_eq!(greeting, "[INFO] Bon says hello to the world");

Builder for a struct

The #[derive(Builder)] macro generates a builder for a struct.

use bon::Builder;

struct User {
    name: String,
    is_admin: bool,
    level: Option<u32>,

let user = User::builder()
    // `level` is optional, we could omit it here
    // call setters in any order

assert_eq!(, "Bon");
assert_eq!(user.level, Some(24));

See the guide for the rest.

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