
'JS Make' - parallel task runner for the frontend ecosystem with a JS extension system.

APACHE-2.0 License



Chomp is a frontend task runner with advanced features focused on ease-of-use and not getting in the way!

  1. An advanced task runner with a single command!
  2. Easily adapt existing projects / task systems - no need for a rewrite.
  3. You enable and manage advanced task runner features with single-line updates.

Chomp is a great option for frontend projects where the goal is getting advanced task runner features (like smart caching) without complexity and overhead.

One-line migration from npm scripts

Chomp can import a project's established package.json scripts without breaking them, as it supports the same features:

chomp --init --import-scripts

Now you can run your npm scripts using Chomp!

i.e npm run <task> becomes chomp <task> and behaves the same, and you can opt in to further features as needed.

The only difference is, with Chomp — it's faster. And, with a few more tweaks, you can enable smart caching, parallelism, and more!

What features does Chomp provide?

Chomp is an advanced task runner. It provides features similar to turbo and nx but focuses on ease of use, *not monorepos. It's based on the same principles as traditional make files.


Chomp runs tasks in parallel, based on an extecuted task's dependencies!


Chomp watches any task by including a --watch or --serve option! Read more about the power of --watch and --serve.

A JS extension system

Chomp has a JS extension system that allows you to extend Chomp with your own custom tasks

Smart caching

Chomp caches tasks based on task dependencies like other tasks or updated files. You don't have to worry about it!

*Chomp works for monrepos but it's architected for ease of use and not getting in the way first.


If you use Cargo, run:

cargo install chompbuild

If you don't use Cargo, run:

npm install -g chomp

Note: npm scripts add over 100ms to the script run time.

Common platform binaries are also available for all releases.

To quickly set up Chomp in a GitHub Actions CI workflow, see the Chomp GitHub Action.


Getting Started

Migrating from npm Scripts

To convert an existing project using npm "scripts" to Chomp, run:

$ chomp --init --import-scripts
 chompfile.toml created with 2 package.json script tasks imported.

or the shorter version:

$ chomp -Ii
 chompfile.toml created with 2 package.json script tasks imported.

Then use chomp <name> instead of npm run <name>, and enjoy the new features of task dependence, incremental builds, and parallelism!

Hello World

chomp works against a chompfile.toml TOML configuration in the same directory as the chomp command is run.

Chomp builds up tasks as trees of files which depend on other files, then runs those tasks with maximum parallelism.

For example, here's a task called hello which builds hello.txt based on the contents of name.txt, which itself is built by another command:


version = 0.1

target = 'name.txt'
run = '''
  echo "No name.txt, writing one."
  echo "World" > name.txt

name = 'hello'
target = 'hello.txt'
dep = 'name.txt'
run = '''
  echo "Hello $(cat name.txt)" > hello.txt

with this file saved, the hello command will run all dependency commands before executing its own command:

$ chomp hello

🞂 name.txt
No name.txt, writing one.
 name.txt [4.4739ms]
🞂 hello.txt
 hello.txt [5.8352ms]

$ cat hello.txt
Hello World

Finally it populates the hello.txt file with the combined output.

Subsequent runs use the mtime of the target files to determine what needs to be rerun.

Rerunning the hello command will see that the hello.txt target is defined, and that the name.txt dependency didn't change, so it will skip running the command again:

chomp hello

 name.txt [cached]
 hello.txt [cached]

Changing the contents of name.txt will then invalidate the hello.txt target only, not rerunning the name.txt command:

$ echo "Chomp" > name.txt
$ chomp hello

 name.txt [cached]
  hello.txt invalidated by name.txt
🞂 hello.txt
 hello.txt [5.7243ms]

$ cat hello.txt
Hello Chomp

The deps array can be defined for targets, whose targets will then be run first with invalidation based on target / deps mtime comparisons per the standard Makefile approach.

Powershell is used on Windows, while Bash is used on POSIX systems. Since both echo and > are defined on both systems, the examples above work cross-platform (Powershell is automatically put into UTF-8 mode for > to work similarly).

Note that && and || are not supported in Powershell, so multiline scripts and ; are preferred instead.

JS Tasks

Alternatively we can use engine = 'node' or engine = 'deno' to write JavaScript in the run function instead:


version = 0.1

target = 'name.txt'
engine = 'node'
run = '''
  import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
  console.log("No name.txt, writing one.");
  await writeFile(process.env.TARGET, 'World');

name = 'hello'
target = 'hello.txt'
deps = ['name.txt']
engine = 'node'
run = '''
  import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
  const name = (await readFile(process.env.DEP, 'utf8')).trim();
  await writeFile(process.env.TARGET, `Hello ${name}`);

Tasks are run with maximum parallelism as permitted by the task graph, which can be controlled via the -j flag to limit the number of simultaneous executions.

Using the --watch flag watches all dependencies and applies incremental rebuilds over invalidations only.

Or, using chomp hello --serve runs a static file server with watched rebuilds.

See the task documentation for further details.


There is no first-class monorepo support in chomp, but some simple techniques can achieve the same result.

For example, consider a monorepo where packages/[pkgname]/chompfile.toml defines per-package tasks.

A base-level chompfile.toml could run the test task of all the sub-packages with the following chompfile.toml:

name = 'test'
dep = 'packages/#/chompfile.toml'
run = 'chomp -c $DEP test'

chomp test will then use task interpolation to run the multiple sub-package test tasks in parallel. A similar approach can also be used for a basic unit testing.

By adding serial = 'true', the interpolation can be made to run in series rather than in parallel.

Cross-project dependencies are not currently supported. Instead, if packages/a/chompfile.toml's build task depends on packages/b/chompfile.toml's build task to run first, then packages/a/chompfile.toml might look like:

name = 'build'
run = 'cargo build'
dep = 'build:deps'

name = 'build:deps'
run = 'chomp -c ../a build'

This would still be fast, so long as packages/a/chompfile.toml's build task has its targets and dependencies properly configured to do zero work if the all target mtimes are greater than their dependencies.


Extensions are able to register task templates for use in Chompfiles.

Extensions are loaded using the extensions list, which can be any local or remote JS file:

version = 0.1
extensions = [

A core extensions library is provided with useful templates for the JS ecosystem, with the short protocol chomp:ext, a shorthand for the @chompbuild/extensions package contents.

A simple example is included below.

See the @chompbuild/extensions package for extension descriptions and examples.

Example: TypeScript with SWC

To compile TypeScript with the SWC template:

version = 0.1
extensions = ['[email protected]:swc']

name = 'build:typescript'
template = 'swc'
target = 'lib/##.js'
deps = ['src/##.ts']

In the above, all src/**/*.ts files will be globbed, have SWC run on them, and output into lib/[file].js along with their source maps.

The ## and # interpolation syntax is special because, unlike glob dependencies (which are also supported), there must be a 1:1 relationship between a dependency and its target.

Only non-existent files, or files whose src mtimes are invalidated will be rebuilt. If SWC itself is updated, all files that depend on it will be re-built.

Specific files or patterns can be built directly by name as well, skipping all other build work:

chomp lib/main.js lib/dep.js

🞂 lib/dep.js
🞂 lib/app.js
 lib/dep.js [317.2838ms]
 lib/app.js [310.0831ms]

Patterns are also supported for building tasks by name or filename (the below two commands are equivalent):

$ chomp lib/*.js
$ chomp :build:*

To remove the template magic, run chomp --eject to convert the chompfile.toml into its untemplated form:

$ chomp --eject

 chompfile.toml template tasks ejected

Resulting in the updated chompfile.toml:

version = 0.1

name = 'build:typescript'
target = 'lib/##.js'
dep = 'src/##.ts'
stdio = 'stderr-only'
run = 'node ./node_modules/@swc/cli/bin/swc.js $DEP -o $TARGET --no-swcrc --source-maps -C jsc.parser.syntax=typescript -C jsc.parser.importAssertions=true -C jsc.parser.topLevelAwait=true -C jsc.parser.importMeta=true -C jsc.parser.privateMethod=true -C jsc.parser.dynamicImport=true -C -C jsc.experimental.keepImportAssertions=true'



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