
rust-analyzer extension for coc.nvim

MIT License



rust-analyzer for Vim/Neovim, works as an extension with coc.nvim.


:CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer

remove rust-analyzer config from coc-settings.json if you've set

NOTE: For Apple Silicon users, you shouldn't use Node.js v15, checkout #975 for more.


It's recommended to add $CARGO_HOME to workspace.ignoredFolders to stop rust-analyzer runs cargo check on sysroot crates:

"workspace.ignoredFolders": [


This extension is configured using a jsonc file. You can open this configuration file using the command :CocConfig, and it is typically located at $HOME/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json.

Configuration Description Default
rust-analyzer.enable Enable coc-rust-analyzer true
rust-analyzer.assist.emitMustUse Whether to insert #[must_use] when generating as_ methods for enum variants. false
rust-analyzer.assist.expressionFillDefault Placeholder expression to use for missing expressions in assists. todo
rust-analyzer.cachePriming.enable Warm up caches on project load. true
rust-analyzer.cachePriming.numThreads How many worker threads to handle priming caches. The default 0 means to pick automatically. 0
rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload Automatically refresh project info via cargo metadata on Cargo.toml or .cargo/config.toml changes. true
rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.enable Run build scripts ( for more precise code analysis. true
rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.invocationLocation Specifies the working directory for running build scripts. workspace
rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.invocationStrategy Specifies the invocation strategy to use when running the build scripts command. null
rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.useRustcWrapper Use RUSTC_WRAPPER=rust-analyzer when running build scripts to avoid checking unnecessary things. true
rust-analyzer.cargo.extraEnv Extra environment variables that will be set when running cargo, rustc or other commands within the workspace. Useful for setting RUSTFLAGS. null
rust-analyzer.cargo.features List of features to activate. Set this to "all" to pass --all-features to cargo. ``
rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures Whether to pass --no-default-features to cargo. false
rust-analyzer.cargo.sysroot Relative path to the sysroot, or "discover" to try to automatically find it via "rustc --print sysroot". discover
rust-analyzer.cargo.sysrootSrc Relative path to the sysroot library sources. If left unset, this will default to {cargo.sysroot}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library. null Compilation target override (target triple). null
rust-analyzer.cargo.unsetTest Unsets #[cfg(test)] for the specified crates. core
rust-analyzer.check.allTargets Check all targets and tests (--all-targets). true
rust-analyzer.check.command Cargo command to use for cargo check. check
rust-analyzer.check.extraArgs Extra arguments for cargo check. []
rust-analyzer.check.extraEnv Extra environment variables that will be set when running cargo check. Extends #rust-analyzer.cargo.extraEnv#. {}
rust-analyzer.check.features List of features to activate. Defaults to #rust-analyzer.cargo.features#. Set to "all" to pass --all-features to Cargo. null
rust-analyzer.check.invocationLocation Specifies the working directory for running checks. workspace
rust-analyzer.check.invocationStrategy Specifies the invocation strategy to use when running the checkOnSave command. per_workspace
rust-analyzer.check.noDefaultFeatures Whether to pass --no-default-features to Cargo. Defaults to #rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures#. null
rust-analyzer.check.overrideCommand Override the command rust-analyzer uses instead of cargo check for diagnostics on save. null
rust-analyzer.check.targets Check for specific targets. Defaults to if empty. null
rust-analyzer.checkOnSave Run the check command for diagnostics on save. true
rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable Toggles the additional completions that automatically add imports when completed true
rust-analyzer.completion.autoself.enable Toggles the additional completions that automatically show method calls and field accesses with self prefixed to them when inside a method. true
rust-analyzer.completion.callable.snippets Whether to add parenthesis and argument snippets when completing function. fill_arguments
rust-analyzer.completion.limit Maximum number of completions to return. If None, the limit is infinite. null
rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable Whether to show postfix snippets like dbg, if, not, etc. true
rust-analyzer.completion.privateEditable.enable Enables completions of private items and fields that are defined in the current workspace even if they are not visible at the current position. false
rust-analyzer.completion.snippets.custom Custom completion snippets.
rust-analyzer.debug.runtime Choose which debug runtime to use termdebug Specify the name of the vimspector configuration name. The following args will be passed to the configuration: Executable and Args (both strings) launch
rust-analyzer.debug.nvimdap.configuration.template Configuration template used to invoked The template will be instantiate like thie: $exe will be replaced with executable path, $args will be replaced with arguments. An example template: { name = \"Debug (with args)\", type = \"codelldb\", request = \"launch\", program = $exe, args = $args, cwd = \"${workspaceFolder}\", stopOnEntry = false, terminal = \"integrated\" } ""
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled List of rust-analyzer diagnostics to disable. ``
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable Whether to show native rust-analyzer diagnostics. true
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.experimental.enable Whether to show experimental rust-analyzer diagnostics that might have more false positives than usual. false
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.remapPrefix Map of prefixes to be substituted when parsing diagnostic file paths. This should be the reverse mapping of what is passed to rustc as --remap-path-prefix. {}
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint List of warnings that should be displayed with hint severity. ``
rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo List of warnings that should be displayed with info severity. ``
rust-analyzer.disableProgressNotifications Disable initialization and workdone progress notifications false
rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs These directories will be ignored by rust-analyzer. ``
rust-analyzer.files.watcher Controls file watching implementation. client
rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.breakPoints.enable Enables highlighting of related references while the cursor is on break, loop, while, or for keywords. true
rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.exitPoints.enable Enables highlighting of all exit points while the cursor is on any return, ?, fn, or return type arrow (->). true
rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.references.enable Enables highlighting of related references while the cursor is on any identifier. true
rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.yieldPoints.enable Enables highlighting of all break points for a loop or block context while the cursor is on any async or await keywords. true
rust-analyzer.hover.documentation.enable Whether to show documentation on hover. true
rust-analyzer.hover.documentation.keywords.enable Whether to show keyword hover popups. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.hover.documentation.enable# is set. true
rust-analyzer.hover.links.enable Use markdown syntax for links in hover. true
rust-analyzer.imports.granularity.enforce Whether to enforce the import granularity setting for all files. If set to false rust-analyzer will try to keep import styles consistent per file. false How imports should be grouped into use statements. crate Group inserted imports by the[following order]. Groups are separated by newlines. true
rust-analyzer.imports.merge.glob Whether to allow import insertion to merge new imports into single path glob imports like use std::fmt::*;. true Prefer to unconditionally use imports of the core and alloc crate, over the std crate. false
rust-analyzer.imports.prefix The path structure for newly inserted paths to use. plain
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.bindingModeHints.enable Whether to show inlay type hints for binding modes. false
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints.enable Whether to show inlay type hints for method chains. true
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closingBraceHints.enable Whether to show inlay hints after a closing } to indicate what item it belongs to. true
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closingBraceHints.minLines Minimum number of lines required before the } until the hint is shown (set to 0 or 1 to always show them). 25
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closureReturnTypeHints.enable Whether to show inlay type hints for return types of closures. never
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.discriminantHints.enable Whether to show enum variant discriminant hints. never
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.enable Whether to show inlay hints for type adjustments. never
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.hideOutsideUnsafe Whether to hide inlay hints for type adjustments outside of unsafe blocks. false
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.mode Whether to show inlay hints as postfix ops (.* instead of *, etc). prefix
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.lifetimeElisionHints.enable Whether to show inlay type hints for elided lifetimes in function signatures. never
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.lifetimeElisionHints.useParameterNames Whether to prefer using parameter names as the name for elided lifetime hints if possible. false
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength Maximum length for inlay hints. Set to null to have an unlimited length. 25
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints.enable Whether to show function parameter name inlay hints at the call site. true
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.reborrowHints.enable Whether to show inlay hints for compiler inserted reborrows. This setting is deprecated in favor of #rust-analyzer.inlayHints.expressionAdjustmentHints.enable#. never
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.renderColons Whether to render leading colons for type hints, and trailing colons for parameter hints. true
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.enable Whether to show inlay type hints for variables. true
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.hideClosureInitialization Whether to hide inlay type hints for let statements that initialize to a closure. Only applies to closures with blocks, same as #rust-analyzer.inlayHints.closureReturnTypeHints.enable#. false
rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints.hideNamedConstructor Whether to hide inlay type hints for constructors. false
rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinAssignments Join lines merges consecutive declaration and initialization of an assignment. true
rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinElseIf Join lines inserts else between consecutive ifs. true
rust-analyzer.joinLines.removeTrailingComma Join lines removes trailing commas. true
rust-analyzer.joinLines.unwrapTrivialBlock Join lines unwraps trivial blocks. true
rust-analyzer.lens.debug.enable Whether to show Debug lens. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. true
rust-analyzer.lens.enable Whether to show CodeLens in Rust files. true
rust-analyzer.lens.forceCustomCommands Internal config: use custom client-side commands even when the client doesn't set the corresponding capability. true
rust-analyzer.lens.implementations.enable Whether to show Implementations lens. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. true
rust-analyzer.lens.location Where to render annotations. above_name
rust-analyzer.lens.references.adt.enable Whether to show References lens for Struct, Enum, and Union. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. false
rust-analyzer.lens.references.enumVariant.enable Whether to show References lens for Enum Variants. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. false
rust-analyzer.lens.references.method.enable Whether to show Method References lens. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. false
rust-analyzer.lens.references.trait.enable Whether to show References lens for Trait. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. false Whether to show Run lens. Only applies when #rust-analyzer.lens.enable# is set. true
rust-analyzer.linkedProjects Disable project auto-discovery in favor of explicitly specified set of projects. ``
rust-analyzer.lru.capacity Number of syntax trees rust-analyzer keeps in memory. Defaults to 128. null
rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound Whether to show can't find Cargo.toml error message. true
rust-analyzer.numThreads How many worker threads in the main loop. The default null means to pick automatically. null
rust-analyzer.procMacro.attributes.enable Expand attribute macros. Requires #rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable# to be set. true
rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable Enable support for procedural macros, implies #rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.enable#. true
rust-analyzer.procMacro.ignored These proc-macros will be ignored when trying to expand them. {}
rust-analyzer.procMacro.server Internal config, path to proc-macro server executable (typically, this is rust-analyzer itself, but we override this in tests). null
rust-analyzer.references.excludeImports Exclude imports from find-all-references. false
rust-analyzer.restartServerOnConfigChange Whether to restart the server automatically when certain settings that require a restart are changed. false
rust-analyzer.runnables.command Command to be executed instead of 'cargo' for runnables. null
rust-analyzer.runnables.extraArgs Additional arguments to be passed to cargo for runnables such as tests or binaries. For example, it may be --release. ``
rust-analyzer.rustc.source Path to the Cargo.toml of the rust compiler workspace, for usage in rustc_private projects, or "discover" to try to automatically find it if the rustc-dev component is installed. null
rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs Additional arguments to rustfmt. ``
rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand Advanced option, fully override the command rust-analyzer uses for formatting. null
rust-analyzer.rustfmt.rangeFormatting.enable Enables the use of rustfmt's unstable range formatting command for the textDocument/rangeFormatting request. The rustfmt option is unstable and only available on a nightly build. false
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.doc.comment.inject.enable Inject additional highlighting into doc comments. true
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.operator.enable Use semantic tokens for operators. true
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.operator.specialization.enable Use specialized semantic tokens for operators. false
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.enable Use semantic tokens for punctuations. false
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.separate.macro.bang When enabled, rust-analyzer will emit a punctuation semantic token for the ! of macro calls. false
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.punctuation.specialization.enable Use specialized semantic tokens for punctuations. false
rust-analyzer.semanticHighlighting.strings.enable Use semantic tokens for strings. true
rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv Extra environment variables that will be passed to the rust-analyzer executable. Useful for passing e.g. RA_LOG for debugging. null
rust-analyzer.server.path Path to rust-analyzer executable (points to bundled binary by default). If this is set, then "" setting is not used null
rust-analyzer.signatureInfo.detail Show full signature of the callable. Only shows parameters if disabled. full
rust-analyzer.signatureInfo.documentation.enable Show documentation. true
rust-analyzer.terminal.startinsert Enter insert mode after terminal displayed false
rust-analyzer.trace.server Trace requests to the rust-analyzer off
rust-analyzer.typing.autoClosingAngleBrackets.enable Whether to insert closing angle brackets when typing an opening angle bracket of a generic argument list. false Choose "nightly" updates to get the latest features and bug fixes every day. While "stable" releases occur weekly and don't contain cutting-edge features from VSCode proposed APIs stable
rust-analyzer.updates.checkOnStartup Auto-check rust-analyzer updates on startup true
rust-analyzer.updates.prompt Prompt the user before downloading rust-analyzer true Workspace symbol search kind. only_types Limits the number of items returned from a workspace symbol search (Defaults to 128). 128 Workspace symbol search scope. workspace


You can use these commands by :CocCommand XYZ.

Command Description
rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus Show rust-analyzer status
rust-analyzer.debug List available runnables of current file and debug the selected one
rust-analyzer.expandMacro Expand macro recursively
rust-analyzer.explainError Explain the currently hovered error message
rust-analyzer.joinLines Join lines
rust-analyzer.matchingBrace Find matching brace
rust-analyzer.memoryUsage Memory Usage (Clears Database)
rust-analyzer.moveItemUp Move item up
rust-analyzer.moveItemDown Move item down
rust-analyzer.openDocs Open docs under cursor
rust-analyzer.parentModule Locate parent module
rust-analyzer.peekTests Peek related tests
rust-analyzer.reload Restart rust-analyzer server
rust-analyzer.reloadWorkspace Reload workspace List available runnables of current file and run the selected one
rust-analyzer.serverVersion Show current Rust Analyzer server version
rust-analyzer.ssr Structural Search Replace
rust-analyzer.syntaxTree Show syntax tree
rust-analyzer.testCurrent Test Current
rust-analyzer.install Install latest rust-analyzer from GitHub release
rust-analyzer.upgrade Download latest rust-analyzer from GitHub release
rust-analyzer.viewHir View Hir
rust-analyzer.viewMir View Mir
rust-analyzer.viewFileText View File Text
rust-analyzer.viewCrateGraph View Crate Graph
rust-analyzer.viewFullCrateGraph View Crate Graph (Full)
rust-analyzer.shuffleCrateGraph Shuffle Crate Graph
rust-analyzer.runFlycheck Run flycheck
rust-analyzer.cancelFlycheck Cancel running flychecks
rust-analyzer.clearFlycheck Clear flycheck diagnostics
rust-analyzer.rebuildProcMacros Rebuild proc macros and build scripts
rust-analyzer.interpretFunction Interpret Function



This extension is built with create-coc-extension