
Connection provers in Rust


Connection Provers

This project aims to reimplement in Rust several automated theorem provers of the leanCoP family, such as leanCoP and nanoCoP.

The goals of the project are:

  • Performance:
    The provers should perform as many inferences per time as possible.
  • Compatibility with the original provers:
    The provers should be able to reproduce
    the same steps as the original provers if so desired.
    This is to help debugging and to guarantee soundness and completeness.

The reference prover meanCoP can do clausal and nonclausal proof search. Its clausal proof search performs the same proof steps as leanCoP, while its nonclausal proof search performs proof search similarly to nanoCoP, except for a technique that enables smaller extension clauses when connecting from a clause to a copy of itself.

To run the prover, it is necessary to install a recent Rust toolchain. This can be done conveniently using rustup.

Once Rust is installed, you can run meanCoP such as:

cargo run --release problems/ijcar16ex.p

To install meanCoP:

cargo install --path meancop

The project contains an extensive evaluation suite in the eval directory.