
A personal redirect service written in Rust

MIT License


Personal GoLinks

Inspired by golinks.io

This application is a redirect service written in Rust that uses routes statically defined in a YAML file to provide easy link shortening.

Although prior versions written in Go (>=1.0 <1.1) supported stateful updates to the running routes, this was removed from the Rust implementation (>=1.1) as I was only deploying the application in my cluster, and ultimately I still managed my available routes by synchronizing the running state with a YAML file that a client used.

Since the application now uses a ConfigMap to deploy to a cluster, I am able to scale up to as many replicas as I want without having to worry about persistance or synchronizing storage. This doesn't matter for a service that is only being used by me, but was a fun experiment.


  1. Install Rust
  2. Clone repository
  3. Write a links.yaml file
  4. Run cargo run
  5. Go to localhost:8000/heartbeat and see the JSON output

Example links.yaml file

  golinks: https://github.com/cryptaliagy/golinks
  google: https://google.com
  github: https://github.com

Quickstart (Docker)

  1. Create a conf directory and write a links.yaml file in it (see above for example).
  2. Pull the container with docker pull ghcr.io/cryptaliagy/golinks:latest
  3. Run the container with docker run -e GOLINKS_ROUTES=/conf/links.yaml ROCKET_LOG_LEVEL=normal -v "$(pwd)"/conf:/conf -p 8000:8000 ghcr.io/cryptaliagy/golinks:latest
  4. Go to localhost:8000/heartbeat and see the JSON output

Installation (Helm)

helm repo add golinks https://cryptaliagy.github.io/golinks/charts
helm repo update
helm install golinks/golinks

K3s HelmChart CRD

NOTE: Make sure you configure ingress/service in your values file contents appropriately.

apiVersion: helm.cattle.io/v1
kind: HelmChart
  name: golinks
  namespace: charts
  chart: golinks
  repo: https://cryptaliagy.github.io/golinks/charts
  targetNamespace: golinks
  valuesContent: |-
      golinks: https://github.com/cryptaliagy/golinks
      google: https://google.com

Installation (Manifest)

Generate a manifest from Helm

helm template --repo https://cryptaliagy.github.io/golinks/charts golinks -g > golinks.yaml

Edit it as desired then apply it to the cluster

kubectl apply -f golinks.yaml

Additional Notes

This service is very simple, and as such is designed to be as minimal as possible. Running on my machine, the container took up ~1MB of memory, and simple route profiling showed that routes took ~20-40 μs.

The final container image size is <10MB and uses an image based on scratch with a statically-linked binary. This also means that the latest and x.y.z versioned containers do not have a shell or any additional tools. For potential debugging purposes, a debug (and x.y.z-debug) container is available. This uses the same binary that latest (and x.y.z) uses, but is based on alpine:latest to include a shell, package manager, etc.

Deploying to Cloud Services

If you would like to deploy this to a cloud service and do not have the ability to mount a file (or otherwise would like the container to be fully atomic), you can build your own image that includes the route configs. To do this, first author a links.yaml file, then use the following Dockerfile:

FROM ghcr.io/cryptaliagy/golinks:latest

COPY links.yaml /links.yaml

This image can then be pushed to a container registry and deployed in the cloud service of your choice.