
This repository showcases my Rust programming exercises, with a focus on small, hands-on projects that explore various Rust concepts. From basic data structures to advanced features like async programming and error handling, each exercise contributes to my journey toward mastering Rust.


Rust Exercises 🦀

This repository contains my Rust programming exercises, focusing on small projects that help deepen my understanding of the language and its ecosystem. Each project tackles various fundamental and advanced concepts in Rust, ranging from data structures and algorithms to async programming, error handling, and system-level programming.

Feel free to explore the exercises, check out the solutions, and follow along as I progress in mastering Rust.

Table of Contents


This repository is your companion for daily Rust practice, focusing on the practical application of algorithms and data structures. We'll delve into core computer science concepts and translate them into real-world scenarios, making your learning journey both engaging and impactful.

Expect bite-sized exercises that progressively build your proficiency in Rust, covering a wide array of algorithms and data structures. From linked lists and trees to sorting and searching, each exercise will challenge you to think critically and code effectively.

I'm committed to updating this repository daily with new and exciting exercises. Feel free to contribute your own implementations, suggest improvements, or request specific topics you'd like to explore. Let's learn, grow, and have fun with Rust together!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



Add notes about how to use the system.