
Experimental rust serialization library

APACHE-2.0 License


Deser is an experimental serialization system for Rust. It wants to explore the possibilities of serialization and deserialization of structural formats such as JSON or msgpack. It intentionally does not desire to support non self describing formats such as bincode.

This is not a production ready yet.

use deser::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[deser(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Account {
    id: usize,
    account_holder: String,
    is_deactivated: bool,

This generates out the necessary Serialize and Deserialize implementations.

To see some practical examples of this have a look at the examples.

Design Goals

  • Fast Compile Times: deser avoids excessive monomorphization by encouraging
    dynamic dispatch. The goal is to avoid generating a lot of duplicate code that
    produces bloat the compiler needs to churn through.
  • Simple Data Model: deser simplifies the data model on the serialization
    and deserialization interface. For instance instead of making a distinction
    between u8 and u64 they are represented the same in the model. To compensate
    for this, it provides type descriptors that provide auxiliary information for
    when a serializer wants to process it. This helps with compile times and makes
    using the crate easier.
  • Native Bytes Support: deser has built-in specialization for serializing
    bytes and byte vectors. A Vec<u8> is serialized as bytes and does not need
    special handling for text-only formats such as JSON.
  • Unlimited Recursion: the real world is nasty and incoming data might be
    badly nested. Deser does not exhaust the call stack no matter how deep your
    data is. It accomplishes this by an alternative trait design to serde where
    handles to "sinks" or "serializable" objects are returned. This means that
    it's up to the caller to manage the recursion.
  • Native Optionals: the serialization system has a built-in understanding of
    the concept of optional data. This means that with a single attribute a struct
    serializer can skip over all fields currently set to null.
  • Native Flattening Support: deser's serialization and deserialization support
    has native support for flattening of structs. This means no internal buffering
    is required for #[deser(flatten)].
  • Stateful Processing: deser compensates the simplified data model with providing
    a space to hold meta information. Out of the box it provides information
    about the types that are being serialized. The additional space can be used
    to keep track of the "path" to the current structure during serialization and
    deserialization. (See deser-path for a
    practical example)

Deser does not intend on replacing serde but it attempts to address some if it's shortcomings. For more information there is a document about Serde Learnings with more details.

Future Plans

  • Extensible Data Model: deser wants to make it possible to extend the data
    model with types that are not native to the serialization interface. For
    instance if a data format wants to support arbitrarily sized integers this
    should be possible without falling back to in-band

Known Limitations

The current design of this system is very allocation heavy. This is the consequence of a certain level of flexibility paired with the dynamic dispatch nature. For instance for JSON parsing, Serde is more than 3 times faster than Deser and for deserialization 2.5 times.


  • deser: the core crate
    providing the base functionality
  • deser-json: basic
    JSON implementation for deser
  • deser-path: a crate
    that extends deser to track the path during serialization
  • deser-debug: formats
    a serializable to the std::fmt debug format


This crate heavily borrows from miniserde, serde and Sentry Relay's meta system. The general trait design was modelled after miniserde.


Deser (currently) uses excessive amounts of unsafe code internally. It is not vetted and it is likely completely wrong. If this design turns out to be useful there will be need to be a re-design of the internals.

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