
Highly performant and configurable DWM status service

MIT License



DWM status service which dynamically updates when needed. Heavily inspired by i3status-rust.

Example status bar: example-sceenshot


cargo, rustc and lib{dbus,gdk-pixbuf,notify,x11}-dev are required to build the binary.

Build and run

$ # dev mode
$ cargo run -- <config-file>
$ # release mode
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/dwm-status <config-file>

Or install globally to ~/.cargo/bin:

$ cargo install dwm-status

Nix support

Build as flake:

$ nix build

And run:

$ ./result/bin/dwm-status <config-file>


The config-file can be a HJSON, JSON, TOML or YAML file. For each possible format a config file filled with the default values can be found in examples/default-settings. The type of file is determined by its suffix.

For an example how to use icons in the status bar see examples/icon-settings/nerd-font.toml. You need to install and specify one of the available nerd fonts in your config.h in dwm to use the icons in the example config, e.g.:

static const char *fonts[] = { "Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font:size=9" };

General options

name default description
debug - Deprecated, will be removed in 2.0.0. Log level is now INFO by default.
order [] List of enabled features in order.
separator " / " Separator string between each feature.

Feature: Audio

Note: alsa-utils are required.

Shows status of configured alsa control device. Listens on alsactl monitor for changes.

Configuration options

name default description
control "Master" Alsa control device to listen for.
icons [] List of icons, which represent different stages relative to the current volume, e.g. ["LOW", "MIDDLE, "HIGH"].
mute "MUTE" Text representation if muted.
template "S {VOL}%" Text representation if unmuted. ({VOL} gets replaced with the current volume, {ICO} gets replaced with the icon)

Feature: Backlight

Shows status of backlight value and watches /sys/class/backlight for changes.

Configuration options

name default description
device "intel_backlight" Backlight device in /sys/class/backlight.
fallback None If device doesn't exist, pattern match (Unix shell style patterns) the first element in /sys/class/backlight. e.g. amdgpu_*
icons [] List of icons, which represent different stages relative to the current value, e.g. ["LOW", "MIDDLE, "HIGH"].
template "L {BL}%" Text representation. ({BL} gets replaced with the current backlight value, {ICO} gets replaced with the icon)

Feature: Battery

Note: The upower daemon has to be running for receiving DBus messages.

Watches UPower DBus signals for added or removed batteries and changes of battery states.

If notifier is enabled, currently discharging and the capacity of the fullest battery is under the configured values value, warning notifications with urgency normal or critical (depending on the configured critical value) are sent.

Shows following information per battery:

status example notes
charging ▲ 10% (01:23) In parentheses time to full
discharging ▼ 50% (02:03) In parentheses time to empty

Shows following information as feature block (ICO gets replaced with an icon if any are defined):

battery count example notes
1 ▼ ICO 50% (02:03)
2 ▼ ICO 50% (02:03) · ICO 50% Batteries ordered alphabetically by name

Configuration options

name default description
charging "▲" Text representation for status charging.
discharging "▼" Text representation for status discharging.
enable_notifier true Whether to enable the notifier.
icons [] List of icons, which represent different stages relative to the current battery state, e.g. ["LOW", "MIDDLE, "HIGH"].
no_battery "NO BATT" Text representation if no battery present.
notifier_critical 10 Maximum battery value to notify via critical notification.
notifier_levels [2, 5, 10, 15, 20] Battery values to notify.
separator " · " Separator string between mutliple battery infos.

Feature: CPU Load

Shows CPU load taken from /proc/loadavg in configured format and refreshes every n seconds.

Configuration options

name default description
template "{CL1} {CL5} {CL15}" Text representation. ({CLx} gets replaced with the load of last x minutes for x in {1, 5, 15})
update_interval 20 Update interval in seconds.

Feature: Network

Note: The commands ip, dig and iwgetid need to be in PATH.

Shows connected ESSID, public IPv4 and IPv6 address. Updates get triggered by listening on ip monitor address link.

Configuration options

name default description
no_value "NA" Value for not defined elements.
template "{IPv4} · {IPv6} · {ESSID}" Text representation. Placeholders surrounded by curly braces are {IPv4}, {IPv6} and {ESSID}.

Feature: Time

Shows time in configured format and refreshes every second or minute.

Configuration options

name default description
format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" Time format of chrono crate.
update_seconds false Whether to update time feature every second or minute, automatically set by parsing format.


You need rustup with nightly toolchain, rustfmt, clippy and lib{dbus,gdk-pixbuf,notify,x11}-dev. I recommend the installation of racer.

If your are using nix you can use shell.nix for all dependencies except the rustup toolchain and components:

$ nix-shell
[nix-shell]$ rustup install nightly
[nix-shell]$ rustup default nightly