
Instantiate, inspect, and invoke Wasm components from within a component.

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Dyna is a component interface and host support library that allows a component at runtime to instantiate another component and then perform reflection on that component's exports and call exported functions.

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Here is some example Rust code using the dyna package's dynamic-component interface:

// Read a component from disk
let component_bytes = std::fs::read("some_component.wasm").unwrap();
// Create a component engine and load the component
let engine = Engine::new();
let component = engine.load_component(&component_bytes).unwrap();
// Reflect on the component to gain insight into its exports
if component.wit().exports().iter().any(|e| {
    e.name == "hello-world" && 
        matches!(&e.kind, Export::Function(f) if f.params.is_empty())
    }) {
    // Call a component export and inspect its return value
    let val = component.call("hello-world", &[]).unwrap();
    assert!(matches!(&val[0], Val::String(s) if s == "Hello, World!"));