
Easy dual-monitor setup and hotplug support for minimalistic window managers


enact will detect the proper resolution of your secondary monitor (if any) and automatically set it up as soon as you plug it in (or out).

It uses xrandr under the hood and works great with window managers like i3, bspwm, and others.

Use cases:

  • a laptop and an abritrary secondary monitor (e.g. at work, home, etc.)
  • a desktop with two monitors


Download the binary from releases or install via cargo: cargo install --git https://github.com/chmln/enact


Test it out then place this in your .xinitrc.

# Set up second monitor above laptop
enact --pos top

Or to do the same, but also watch for changes and allow hotplugging

enact --pos top --watch &

You can also select which monitor will be the new primary one

enact --pos top --new_primary 1

Comparison With Similar Tools


  • monitor hotplugging that actually works (never got this to work with autorandr or any other tool)
  • no need to setup any "profiles" or configuration, it just works
  • Single compiled binary, no dependencies on python or anything else apart from xrandr


  • Supports up to two displays max (at least currently)

Icon Attribution

“Monitor” by icon lauk, licensed under CC BY 3.0.