
Rust-based program for drawing fractal curves

APACHE-2.0 License



A Rust application (and library) for exploring a variety of fractals and for me to learn more about Rust and its ecosystem.

It now contains a shared library that contains general purpose code and definitions for various kinds of fractals (fractal-lib), a piston-based renderer that can be run from the command line (fractal-postion), and a WASM-based target for rendering fractals in web browsers (fractal-wasm).



The shared library contains definitions for all of the supported fractals, plus some core code/interfaces for implementing turtle programs (the frontends then implement turtles that can run these programs), and Lindenmeyer systems. It also contains modules to support colors and geometry used by some of the fractals.


A web+WASM UI that runs in modern browsers. Currently implemented using Seed.

I host a built version of it on my website.


fractal-wasm has some special setup required because it targets WASM.

  • You need to set up rust with the rust-std-wasm32-unknown-unknown target.
  • You need to install cargo-make, which is used to run additional commands
    related to the rust+WASM+Seed development process.
  • Cargo-make and the Makefile.toml also use wasm-pack and microserver, but
    the Makefile will install them automatically if they are missing.

For example, you can install them with:;

# Install the WASM target for rustc
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
# Install the latest version of cargo-make using cargo
# Note that cargo-make has external dependencies. Eg, it compiles against
# OpenSSL. This means you may have to install headers and/or an OpenSSL
# development package for your OS.
cargo install --force cargo-make

In order to automatically rebuild fractal-wasm's web assets and host them locally, cd multiple terminals to the fractal-wasm subdirectory and run the following commands:

# Run each of these in a separate terminal:
cargo make watch  # Runs wasm-pack any time a file changes to recompile the WASM file
cargo make serve  # Runs a small local webserver that hosts the project. Defaults to port 8000

Once the development builds are built, you can navigate to http://localhost:8000 in order to run fractal-wasm (built for development+debugging, so it may not be very fast).

If you want to create a "production" optimized build (it removes debugging information and optimizes the build, resulting in a smaller and faster WASM file):

cargo make build_release

However, you will need to host it yourself.


A minimalistic piston-based UI that can be run from the command line. It opens a window that animates/renders the chosen fractal, and it can be interacted with for certain kinds of fractals.


Fetch the git repository, and then use cargo to build it:

git clone
cd fractal-rs
cargo build

To run the application, you can use cargo run or call the binary directly (Eg, if you use cargo install to install the program). For command usage information, try:

cargo run -- help

For example, to open a window and draw iteration 4 of the Cesàro square fractal:

cargo run -- cesaro 4

You can exit by closing the window or pressing the esc key.

To draw the animation of a curve faster, you can use the --drawrate option. You must specify the number of line segments (or points) that should be drawn per frame as well, such as 1 for one line per frame (usually the defualt). The following will animate iteration 11 of the dragon fractal at a rate of 10 line segments per frame:

cargo run -- dragon 11 --drawrate 10

Note that for most fractals the iteration number results in an exponential increase in computation, so if you want to explore a higher iteration/generation of a curve, you may want to start with a low iteration number and increment your way up.

Exploring Fractals

The fractal program includes the following subcommands:

Subcommand Description
barnsleyfern [--drawrate MPF] Draws the Barnsley Fern fractal using a chaos game with affine transforms.
burningmandel MAX_IT POWER Draws a variation of the burning ship fractal
burningship MAX_IT POWER Draws the burning ship fractal
cesaro [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a square Cesàro fractal
cestarotri [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a triangle Cesàro fractal
dragon [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a dragon curve fractal
kochcurve [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a Koch snowflake curve
levyccurve [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a Lévy C Curve
mandelbrot MAX_IT POWER Draws the mandelbrot fractal
roadrunner MAX_IT POWER Draws a variation of the burning ship fractal
sierpinski [--drawrate MPF] Draws a Sierpiński triangle using a chaos game and 3 randomly chosen points on the screen
terdragon [--drawrate MPF] ITER Draws a terdragon curve

Where the arguments have the following meaning:

Argument Description
ITER The iteration of the curve to draw
MPF The number of lines or points to draw per frame [default: 1]
MAX_IT The maximum number of iterations of the escape time function before deciding the fracal has escaped
POWER The exponent used in the escape time function (positive integer)

The chaos game and turtle-drawn curves are not particularly interactive. If you resize the screen, they will redraw themselves (the Sierpiński triangle will pick 3 new random points as vertices for the triangle).

The escape-time fractals (burningmandel, burningship, mandelbrot, and roadrunner) support a greater degree of interactivity:

  • You can select an area of the fractal to zoom in on using a cursor/mouse
  • Resizing the window will keep the current view instead of resetting to the
    initial zoom/view
  • backspace (delete) will reset the view area back to the initial/default view
    of the fractal
  • Arrow keys can be used to move the view area around

Future ideas

Some future ideas (in no particular order):

  • Option to automatically profile and adjust how much can be animated per-frame
    based on system performance for curves and chaos games.
    • The native/piston based rendered automatically scales up the number of
      threads it uses for the scape time fractal renders, but the curves and
      chaos games require manually choosing how lines or points to draw per
  • Display information about the current fractal.
  • Greater interactivity, maybe a UI for choosing and configuring which fractal
    to display, or arrow keys to increment/decrement the iteration number.
  • Customizable color for some curves
  • Ability to export images or animations
  • Dynamically specify more parameters through configuration instead of
    compiling them in, or support some sort of configuration format for
    specifying parameters.
  • Other kinds of fractals like Julia/Fatou sets, etc.
  • Explore using generators for turtle programs once generators are stable in
    Rust to simplify the keeping of turtle state.
  • Explore using threads+channels for turtle programs, allowing for
    coroutine-like behavior and avoid having to box+wrap an underlying iterator.
    However, this would likely require different implementations for native
    (piston) implementations vs web/WASM.
  • fractal-wasm: Offload the rendering of escape-time fractals from the main
    thread, and/or look into parallelizing its rendering. This may become more
    feasible once OffscreenCanvas is more widely supported by browsers (it has
    Chrome support and experimental Firefox support at the time of this writing).
    (WebGL might be another option, but would be more an exercise in WebGL than
    an exercise in WASM).


  • If you have a feature request and would like to discuss it, please open a
  • If you would like to implement a feature, feel free to submit a pull request
    or open a ticket to discuss followed by a pull request.
  • If I receive many contributions, I will shift the project's copyright
    structure to reference a contributers file.

A few rules about contributed code:

  • Contributions should work on the current stable release of Rust. If you want
    to use a nightly Rust feature, we should discuss the approach (eg, can it be
    made optional, does it provide a huge performance improvement, etc.).
  • Use rustfmt to format your
    code before committing.
  • Keep all use statements together and let rustfmt keep them sorted.
  • Take care of compiler and clippy lints before merging.
  • Write tests where it makes sense to do so (ie, test behaviors and
    functionality that could change as a side-effect of some other change, and
    test highly numeric code), but do not fret about it.


Copyright (c) 2015-2019 William (B.J.) Snow Orvis. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.