
An experimental Rust library for general code file relationship analysis. Based on tree-sitter and git analysis.

APACHE-2.0 License


Gossiphs = Gossip Graphs

An experimental Rust library for general code file relationship analysis. Based on tree-sitter and git analysis.

What's it

Gossiphs can analyze the history of commits and the relationships between variable declarations and references in your codebase to obtain a relationship diagram of the code files.

It also allows developers to query the content declared in each file, thereby enabling free search for its references throughout the entire codebase to achieve more complex analysis.

graph TD
    A[main.py] --- S1[func_main] --- B[module_a.py]
    A --- S2[Handler] --- C[module_b.py]
    B --- S3[func_util] --- D[utils.py]
    C --- S3[func_util] --- D
    A --- S4[func_init] --- E[module_c.py]
    E --- S5[process] --- F[module_d.py]
    E --- S6[Processor] --- H[module_e.py]
    H --- S7[transform] --- I[module_f.py]
    I --- S3[func_util] --- D

Supported Languages

We are expanding language support based on Tree-Sitter Query, which isn't too costly. If you're interested, you can check out the contribution section.

Language Status

You can see the rule files here.


As a command line tool

You can find pre-compiled files for your platform on Our Release Page. After extraction, you can use gossiphs --help to find the corresponding help.

(👍Recommended) Export file relation matrix to csv

gossiphs relation
gossiphs relation --csv scores.csv --symbol-csv symbols.csv

And you can use something like pandas to handle this matrix and apply further analysis without accessing the rust part.


shows the relations between files by int score.

examples/mini.rs src/extractor.rs src/graph.rs src/lib.rs src/main.rs src/rule.rs src/server.rs src/symbol.rs
src/extractor.rs 8 1
src/graph.rs 9 23 5
src/main.rs 5 1
src/rule.rs 18
src/server.rs 2
src/symbol.rs 1 28 64 32 13
  • By Column: src/graph.rs and src/symbol.rs have been used by example/mini.rs.
  • By Row: src/rule.rs has only been used by src/extractor.rs.

shows the relations between files by real reference names.

examples/mini.rs src/extractor.rs src/graph.rs src/lib.rs src/main.rs src/rule.rs src/server.rs src/symbol.rs
src/extractor.rs extract extract
src/graph.rs file_metadata|default|related_files|related_symbols|files related_files|files file_metadata|files|empty|related_files
src/main.rs default main
src/rule.rs get_rule
src/server.rs server_main
src/symbol.rs from new|id|new_ref|from|new_def list_definitions|list_symbols|id|link_symbol_to_symbol|link_file_to_symbol|list_references_by_definition|enhance_symbol_to_symbol|get_symbol|from|new|add_symbol|add_file|list_references|pairs_between_files|list_definitions_by_reference new|id|from|pairs_between_files list_references_by_definition|new|from|list_definitions_by_reference|get_symbol|id
  • By column: example/mini.rs using file_metadata/related_files ... from src/graph.rs.

Diff with context

# diff between HEAD and HEAD~1
gossiphs diff

# custom diff
gossiphs diff --target HEAD~5
gossiphs diff --target d18a5db39752d244664a23f74e174448b66b5b7e

# output json
gossiphs diff --json


├── src/background-script/driveUploader.ts (ADDED)
├── src/background-script/task.ts (DELETED)
├── scripts/download-config.js (DELETED)
├── src/background-script/sdk.ts
├── src/services/user-info/listener.ts
├── src/services/config/index.ts
├── src/content-script/modal.ts
├── src/background-script/help-center.ts
  • ADDED: Refers to file relationships added in this diff
  • DELETED: Refers to file relationships deleted in this diff
  • Others: Refers to file relationships that were not affected by this diff and originally existed

Obsidian Graph

For example, you can use this command to generate an obsidian vault:

gossiphs obsidian --project-path . --vault-dir ./target_vault

and get a code relation graph:

As a rust library

Please refer to examples for usage.

fn main() {
    let config = GraphConfig::default();
    let g = Graph::from(config);

    // done! just try it
    let all_files = g.files();
    for file in &all_files {
        // related file search
        let related_files = g.related_files(file);
        for each_related in &related_files {
            println!("{} -> {}: {}", file, each_related.name, each_related.score);

        // file details
        if !related_files.is_empty() {
            let random_file = related_files[0].name.clone();
            let meta = g.file_metadata(&random_file);
            println!("symbols in {}: {:?}", random_file, meta.symbols.len());

            // and query the symbol infos

As a local server

Starting a local server similar to LSP for other clients to use may be a reasonable approach, which is what we are currently doing.

./gossiphs server --project-path ./your/project --strict

API desc can be found here.

Goal & Motivation

Code navigation is a fascinating subject that plays a pivotal role in various domains, such as:

  • Guiding the context during the development process within an IDE.
  • Facilitating more convenient code browsing on websites.
  • Analyzing the impact of code changes in Continuous Integration (CI) systems.
  • ...

In the past, I endeavored to apply LSP/LSIF technologies and techniques like Github's Stack-Graphs to impact analysis, encountering different challenges along the way. For our needs, a method akin to Stack-Graphs aligns most closely with our expectations. However, the challenges are evident: it requires crafting highly language-specific rules, which is a considerable investment for us, given that we do not require such high precision data.

We attempt to make some trade-offs on the challenges currently faced by stack-graphs to achieve our expected goals to a certain extent:

  • Zero repo-specific configuration: It can be applied to most languages and repositories without additional
  • Low extension cost: adding rules for languages is not high.
  • Acceptable precision: We have sacrificed a certain level of precision, but we also hope that it remains at an
    acceptable level.

How it works

Gossiphs constructs a graph that interconnects symbols of definitions and references.

  1. Extract imports and exports: Identify the imports and exports of each file.
  2. Connect nodes: Establish connections between potential definition and reference nodes.
  3. Refine edges with commit histories: Utilize commit histories to refine the relationships between nodes.

Unlike stack-graphs, we have omitted the highly complex scope analysis and instead opted to refine our edges using commit histories. This approach significantly reduces the complexity of rule writing, as the rules only need to specify which types of symbols should be exported or imported for each file.

While there is undoubtedly a trade-off in precision, the benefits are clear:

  1. Minimal impact on accuracy: In practical scenarios, the loss of precision is not as significant as one might expect.
  2. Commit history relevance: The use of commit history to reflect the influence between code segments aligns well with
    our objectives.
  3. Language support: We can easily support the vast majority of programming languages, meeting the analysis needs of
    various types of repositories.


Static analysis has its limits, such as dynamic binding. Therefore, it is unlikely to achieve the level of accuracy provided by LSP, but it can offer sufficient accuracy in the areas where it is primarily used.

The method we use to demonstrate accuracy is to compare the results with those of LSP/LSIF. It must be admitted that static inference is almost impossible to obtain all reference relationships like LSP, but in strict mode, our calculation accuracy is still quite considerable. In normal mode, you can decide whether to adopt the relationship based on the weight returned.

Repo Precision (Strict Mode) Graph Generated Time
https://github.com/williamfzc/srctx 80/80 = 100 % 83.139791ms
https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin 160/167 = 95.80838 % 310.6805ms


The project is still in a very early and experimental stage. If you are interested, please leave your thoughts through an issue. In the short term, we hope to build better support for more languages.

You just need to:

  1. Edit rules in src/rule.rs
  2. Test it in src/extractor.rs
  3. Try it with your repo in src/graph.rs


Apache 2.0