
A command line utility for processing mustache templates written in rust

GPL-3.0 License


Groom: A command line application for processing Mustache templates

Groom is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application for processing Mustache templates. The project is primarily written in the Rust programming language. It can be installed on any platform supported by the Rust programming language, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Installation | Usage | Manual | API | Build


Groom can be installed on any platform supported by the Rust programming language, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It is possible to run Groom on Windows using the native command prompt (cmd.exe) or a terminal emulator, like Mintty via Cygwin.


An installer (msi) with a pre-compiled binary is available with each release. The installer will also add the installation location to the PATH system environment variable so the groom command can be executed from anywhere. Run the installer and follow the on-screen dialog to complete the installation.

It is also possible to install the application from source using Cargo. See the instructions for installation via Cargo and use a command prompt (cmd.exe) or terminal emulator to execute the commands.


Follow the instructions for installation from source.


Follow the instructions for installation from source.


Download and install the following dependencies before installing the binary using Cargo.

  • Cargo, v0.17 or higher
  • Pandoc, v1.19 or higher, optional
  • Rust, v1.16 or higher


Run the following commands from a terminal:

$ git clone
$ cd groom
$ cargo install

Or obtain the source as an archive and run the following commands from a terminal:

$ tar xf groom-#.#.#.tar.gz
$ cd groom-#.#.#
$ cargo install

where #.#.# is replaced with the version number of the source distribution, respectively. It might be desirable to change the install location by using the --root option with the cargo install command. See the cargo install --help for more information about installing a Rust binary crate using Cargo.

It might be desirable to change the install location by using the --root option with the cargo install command. See the cargo install --help for more information about installing a Rust binary crate using Cargo.

Note, if the groom binary was installed using cargo, then it can be uninstalled using cargo uninstall groom.

Documentation (Optional)

If the Pandoc application was installed prior to installing from source via Cargo, i.e. cargo install, then a manpage in the groff format is automatically created from the markdown "source" file in the man directory using pandoc as part of the build script ( Otherwise, the manpage can be built with the following command:

$ pandoc -s -t man -o man/groom.1 man/ 

Regardless if the manpage (groom.1) was manually or automatically generated, it must be must be manually installed with the following command:

$ mkdir -p ~/.cargo/share/man/man1
$ cp man/groom.1 ~/.cargo/share/man/man1

If uninstalling groom using Cargo, i.e. cargo uninstall groom, then the manpage must also be manually removed as follows:

$ rm ~/.cargo/share/man/man1/groom.1


Process a template by reading data from stdin and rendering to stdout:

$ cat data.yml | groom template.mustache

or using redirection:

$ groom template.mustache < data.yml

or using the -m,--map option:

$ groom -m data.yml template.mustache

The template is rendered to stdout by default, but an optional OUTPUT argument can be used to specify a file for output instead of stdout:

$ groom -m data.yml template.mustache index.html

Note, the output file must be the second argument if it is used, but it is not required. The input template is required.


Download and install the same dependencies listed for installing the application from source, this includes the latest versions of Rust, Cargo, and optionally Pandoc.


Run the following commands from a terminal:

$ git clone
$ cd groom
$ cargo build

Or obtain the source as an archive and run the following commands from a terminal:

$ tar xf groom-#.#.#.tar.gz
$ cd groom-#.#.#
$ cargo build

where #.#.# is replaced with the version number of the source distribution, respectively. The --release flag can be added to the cargo command to build a release application instead of a debug application.


Documentation is available in two forms: (i) API and (ii) Manpage. The API documentation is for the library/crate while the Manpage documentation is helpful for the executable/binary.


Obtain the appropriate source and run the following commands from the root directory of the project in a terminal:

$ cargo doc --no-deps

The output will be available in the target/doc folder.


Obtain the appropriate source and run the following commands from the root directory of the project in a terminal to build the manpage in the groff and html formats:

$ cargo build --release


$ pandoc -s -t man -o man/groom.1 man/
$ pandoc -s -t html -o manpage.html man/

When the release profile is used to build the binary, the manpage is automatically generated if pandoc is installed.


The Groom project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information about licensing and copyright.