
A BFT Sequence CRDT suitable for Permisonless Networks with Unbounded Number of participants



A Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant (BFT) Sequence CRDT suitable for unpermissioned networks with unbounded number of collaborators.

Merge Semantics

Concurrent Inserts are not interleaved:

Site 1 Site 2
hello goodbye

On merge we see:

hellogoodbye OR goodbyehello

Common Prefix is Deduplicated:

Site 1 Site 2
hello earth hello mars

On merge we see:

hello earthmars OR hello marsearth

(i.e. hello is not duplicated even though Site 1 and Site 2 both inserted it.)

Stable Ordering

let S,R be HashSeq instances on Site 1, Site 2 respectively.

Both S and R form a montonic sub-sequence of Q = merge(S, R).

Stated differently, for sequence elements a,bS, if a comes before b in S, and a,bR, then a comes before b in R.

Current Complexity:

Assuming you are using the Cursor interface:

op time space
insert O(1) O(1)
remove O(n) O(n)
seek O(n) O(n)

These are still WIP, we should be able to get remove and seek down to O(log(n)) once we have a secondary position index into the ordering tree.


Each edit produces a HashNode containing an Op and some extra dependencies:

pub enum Op {
    InsertAfter(Id, char),
    InsertBefore(Id, char),

pub struct HashNode {
    extra_dependenciess: BTreeSet<Id>,
    op: Op,

impl HashNode {
    fn id(&self) -> Id;
  • InsertRoot is used when the HashSeq is empty.
  • InsertAfter(id, char) is used to constrain this HashNodeto appear after the node with idid`.
  • InsertBefore(id, char) is used to constrain this HashNode to appear before the node with id id.
  • Remove(id) is used to removing the node with id id.

Example 1. Writing "hello" by appending end

InsertRoot('h')       -- id = 0x0
InsertAfter(0x0, 'e') -- id = 0x1
InsertAfter(0x1, 'l') -- id = 0x2
InsertAfter(0x2, 'l') -- id = 0x3
InsertAfter(0x3, 'o') -- id = 0x4

  h <- e <- l <- l <- o

-- "hello"

Each insert produces a Node holding a value, the hashes of the immediate nodes to the left, and the immediate nodes to the right: s

struct Node<V> {
   value: V,
   lefts: Set<Hash>,
   rights: Set<Hash>,


Inserting 'a', 'b', 'c' in sequential order produces the graph:

 a <- b <- c

Inserting 'd' between 'a' and 'b'

a <- d -> b <- c

We linearize these Hash Graphs by performing a biased topological sort.

The bias is used to decide a canonical ordering in cases where multiple linearizations satisfy the left/right constraints.


            s - a - m
           /         \
h - i - ' '           ! - !
           \         /
            d - a - n

The above hash-graph can serialize to hi samdan!! or hi dansam or even any interleaving of sam/dan: hi sdaamn, hi sdanam, ... . We need a canonical ordering that preserves some semantic information, (i.e. no interleaving of concurrent runs)

The choice we make is: in a fork, we choose the branch whose starting element has the smaller hash, then to avoid interleaving of concurrent runs, our topological sort runs depth first rather than the traditional breadth first.

So in the above example, assuming hash(s) < hash(d), we'd get is: hi samdan!!.


If we detect hash-chains, we can collabse them to just the first left hashes and the right hashes:

struct Run<T> {
   run: Vec<T>
   lefts: Set<Hash>
   rights: Set<Hash>

i.e. in the first example, a,b,c are sequential, they all have a common right hand (empty set), and their left hand is the previous element in the sequence.

So we could represent this as:

// a <- b <- c == RUN("abc")

Run {
  run: "abc",
  lefts: {},
  rights: {}

Inserting 'd' splits the run:

a <- d -> RUN("bc")

And the fork example:

          /          \
RUN("hi ")            RUN("!!")
          \          /

This way we only store hashes at forks, the rest can be recomputed when necessary.