
Your favourite Haskell type classes for Rust

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The functor hierarchy and other terrible ideas for Rust.

Yes, this gives you generalisable monads in Rust. No, they're not very nice compared to Haskell, because Rust's functions aren't quite as first class from the type system's perspective as you might like them to be, type constraints in trait implementations can be a serious headache when you want to implement, say, Functor for HashSet, and the type system can be particularly obtuse at times and need a lot of additional and extremely verbose guidance to get the type inference right, but they exist now.

What you get from this:

  • A set of fine grained traits (Functor, Pure, Apply, Bind, Applicative and Monad) for
    functors, applicatives and monads, inspired by
    PureScript and Scala's
  • Bifunctors, contravariant functors and profunctors, for completeness.
  • The run! macro for Haskell style do notation. I'd have preferred to call it do! or for!
    but unfortunately those are reserved keywords, even for macros.
  • Derive macros for Functor and Bifunctor.
  • Semigroups and monoids, because Rust's Add isn't quite a semigroup so Add + Default isn't
    quite a monoid.
  • Effect monads that wrap standard Futures and IO monads that wrap futures that can fail.
  • Most of Foldable, with the ambition of some of Traversable to follow. (It's always
  • Rings and algebras, just in case.
  • Not necessarily a lot of good documentation, but like any good Haskell programmer you should be
    able to immediately infer every function's purpose from its type signature.

What are your intentions with this?

I wrote this for two reasons: first, to see if it was even possible, and second, as a shitpost with some extremely elaborate type signatures. If you think this is actually useful (and I'm mildly horrified to find that I'm starting to think it might be), you may wish to step up to help maintain it, because I doubt I'll keep giving it much attention once the novelty wears off.

Is Rust actually capable of this?

To everyone's surprise, with generic associated types we can now express a subset of what higher kinded types give us in Rust. This subset turns out to be sufficient to implement the abstractions found in the functor hierarchy, but the language still has its limitations which have a significant impact on the usefulness of these abstractions.

No constraint kinds

The first is the absence of constraint kinds. In Rust, when implementing a trait, we're unable to require stricter constraint bounds in our implementations than the trait itself specifies. While this has implications outside of GATs too, we run into it very quickly when trying to implement the most basic part of the functor hierarchy: Functor itself.

We can express Functor as simply as possible like this:

trait Functor<A> {
    type Target<T>;
    fn fmap<B, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> Self::Target<B>;

We can also implement it for the most basic types, such as Vec:

impl<A> Functor<A> for Vec<A> {
    type Target<T> = Vec<T>;
    fn fmap<B, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> Self::Target<B> {

But we immediately run into a problem when trying to implement it for a type with constraints on its type arguments, like HashSet:

impl<A: Hash + Eq> Functor<A> for HashSet<A> {
    type Target<T> = HashSet<T>;
    fn fmap<B: Hash + Eq, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> Self::Target<B> {

Here, rustc will complain that the bounds on B are stricter than they are in the trait and refuse to proceed, but we do need those bounds to be able to implement fmap for HashSet. There's no trick available to us, even if we venture into nightly rustc's feature flags, to allow us to express this properly, so we're left entirely unable to implement Functor for HashSet, or for anything requiring bounds on A, as we have no way to express that they should carry over to the target type.

There's an open issue to address this situation which has been going since 2017 without as much as a concrete proposal, so I don't think one should allow oneself to feel too hopeful about a quick resolution to this problem.

GATs aren't higher kinded types and using them as such gets messy

We all knew GATs wouldn't be quite as flexible as higher kinded types, but in some specific ways they can be more flexible, and not necessarily in a good way for our purposes. Let's illustrate with an implementation of Bind:

trait Bind<A> {
    type Target<T>;
    fn then<B, F: Fn(A) -> Self::Target<B>>(self, f: F) -> Self::Target<B>;

If we'd like to write a function that composes two Binds into a third, we'd expect it to look like this:

fn compose_binds<A, B, C, M, F1, F2>(ma: M, f1: F1, f2: F2) -> M::Target<C>
    M: Bind<A>,
    F1: Fn(A) -> M::Target<B>,
    F2: Fn(B) -> M::Target<C>,
    ma.then(|a| f1(a).then(|b| f2(b)))

However, we have no guarantee that M::Target<B> actually resolves to anything that even implements Bind in turn, even though we mean the type Target<T> in the trait to always refer back to the original type constructor. This is just a convention on our part, a GAT in an of itself isn't required to follow any such convention. We need to add trait bounds to clarify this in both cases:

fn compose_binds<A, B, C, M, F1, F2>(ma: M, f1: F1, f2: F2) -> M::Target<C>
    M: Bind<A>,
    M::Target<B>: Bind<B>,
    M::Target<C>: Bind<C>,
    F1: Fn(A) -> M::Target<B>,
    F2: Fn(B) -> M::Target<C>,
    ma.then(|a| f1(a).then(|b| f2(b)))

This is fair, and expected. However, we're not done yet, and this is where it gets hairy. We also can't be sure that <M::Target<B> as Thenable<B>>::Target<C> will resolve to the same type as M::Target<C>, so we have to modify our constraints to clarify that this should also be the case:

fn compose_binds<A, B, C, M, F1, F2>(ma: M, f1: F1, f2: F2) -> M::Target<C>
    M: Bind<A>,
    M::Target<B>: Bind<B, Target<C> = M::Target<C>>,
    M::Target<C>: Bind<C>,
    F1: Fn(A) -> M::Target<B>,
    F2: Fn(B) -> M::Target<C>,
    ma.then(|a| f1(a).then(|b| f2(b)))

In the above, one might think we could clarify it by specifying <M::Target<B> as Thenable<B>>::Target<C> instead of M::Target<C> throughout, but this leads nowhere better, as it turns out.

Finally, the type checker at this point fails to infer that the result type of the second bind call should be C, so we need to explicitly provide it.

fn compose_binds<A, B, C, M, F1, F2>(ma: M, f1: F1, f2: F2) -> M::Target<C>
    M: Bind<A>,
    M::Target<B>: Bind<B, Target<C> = M::Target<C>>,
    M::Target<C>: Bind<C>,
    F1: Fn(A) -> M::Target<B>,
    F2: Fn(B) -> M::Target<C>,
    ma.then(|a| f1(a).then::<C, _>(|b| f2(b)))

This happens quite frequently, and is the reason the run! macro includes syntax for specifying the type of a binding. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this part I can't excuse the type checker for, it should have been able to figure this out for itself based on the function's return type.

In conclusion, GATs require considerably more effort to express everyday HTKs than you'd expect from a language with HKTs, even though you can express these things. This isn't a shortcoming of GATs (in fact, it's a feature that HKTs don't provide), but it's a real problem when you're trying to express abstractions like these which on the surface should have been much simpler. There's also the added problem that the more you compensate for this behaviour, the more your implementation details leak out into the type signature in ways they really shouldn't. This is especially unfortunate when you're dealing with traits, where you'll need to predict ahead of time all the ways in which your implementers will need this kind of extra support in the type signatures.


So, is Rust ready for the functor hierarchy? We're frustratingly close, but I think in the end the answer is no.

Basic abstractions like Functor would work well if we had constraint kinds, but as soon as you step outside the basic use casees, you begin to see where GATs aren't an adequate substitute for higher kinded types. That is to say, they solve a different problem from HKTs, and it's not straightforward to attempt to use them as a substitute. There are improvements which could be made to Rust's type checker which could alleviate some, but not all or even most of these issues.

This entire crate should therefore be considered as an exercise, and perhaps as a guide towards new language features, more than as a practical implementation. I do really see a genuine need for constraint kinds in Rust beyond this crate. I also suspect Rust would have been better off with actual higher kinded types, but that's a lost cause at this point.

Interestingly, though, while I was expecting Rust's borrow checker and the fact that it differentiates so clearly between owned values and mutable and immutable references to be a primary barrier to the implementation of this crate, this turned out to be more of an issue of API design than anything else. The primary problem here was the inability to refine Clone requirements where needed because of the absence of constraint kinds.

It's also unfortunate that I couldn't implement Apply for anything but boxed functions (as bare functions with the same type signature on the surface aren't consistently typed in Rust, nor can they be Sized), making it decidedly less than a zero cost abstraction, but I consider this a minor issue even if it should make one cautious when describing Rust as a functional programming language (which I don't think one should).


Copyright 2019 Bodil Stokke

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