
Thought out badly, understood worse and written the worst, this should be a Telegram<->IRC relay bot with a reasonable configuration

MIT License



Thought out badly, understood worse and written the worst, this should be a telegram<->irc relay bot with a reasonable configuration.

DISCLAIMER: anything that can ever come from this package is pure garbage. Only a madman would ever learn or study this package. You have been warned.


This abomination uses the excellent telegram-bot library by vendoring a copy of it - to avoid depending on the latest git - in the vendor/ directory. Many thanks to the original authors for their excellent job.


The provided configuration file is pretty self explanatory, just copy it to config/local.toml for it to be loaded by the bot during startup.

To convert irc nicknames to telegram and viceversa you can configure the [[nicknames]] map in the toml file as follows:

irc = "user1"
telegram = "@someother"
irc = "user2"
telegram = "@user2"

In this example remember to add the @ character before the username of the telegram user, or the translation will fail.

There is currently no way of disabling this feature, feel free to find a way of configuring without breaking :)

Enabled commands can be configured as well:

data_dir = "./data"
enabled = [


Stable-ish version

Check Release page, download the prebuild binary (Linux only) and run it with a proper configurations structure:

tar xfvz holysee-$version-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd holysee
edit config/local.toml
RUST_LOG=holysee=info ./holysee

Git version

Build the bot and run it from where it can access the data dir configured in the toml file:

git clone https://github.com/crisidev/holysee
cd holysee
cd holysee
cp config/example.toml config/local.toml
edit config/local.toml
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=holysee=debug ./target/debug/holysee

Available Commands and Filters

  • karma
  • last_seen
  • quote
  • url_preview

The commands are run via any transport, using a configurable prefix, like:

!command param1 param2 ...

Help / Usage

Every command is provided with a self-explaining help which will be sent, where possible, as private message to the requester. It is always enabled.

!help command
!usage command

Note: !usage and !help are aliased.


Relay is a special command allowing IRC <-> Telegram relay. It is always enabled and triggered on every message.


Karma records string karma for posterity. To create (or increment) the karma of any string you can run:

  • viva <string> or <string>++

To decrement it

  • abbasso <string> or <string>--

To view the karma for a string:

  • !karma <string>

Last Seen

The last seen command maintains a timestamp of the last time a user has written some message in the channel. You can see the last time a nickname has said something by running:

  • !seen <nickname>


The quote command maintains a list of quotes. To get a random quote run

  • !quote

to add a quote use

  • !quote add <string>

to delete a quote use

  • !quote rm <quote_id>
  • !quote rm <string>

to get a specific quote you can run

  • !quote <quote_id>

Url Preview

The url preview command is not properly a command, in the sense that it is not activated by user input, but instead listens on any incoming message and parses it via regexp to extract any URLs in it. For any url it finds it will try to load it and send the Title of the page on the channel.

Extracted from project README
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