
I sync, you sync, we all sync for async!


isyswasfa: I sync, you sync, we all sync for async

An experimental polyfill for composable concurrency based on the WebAssembly Component Model and WASI 0.2


As of this writing, the Component Model does not support concurrent, composable execution. Although WASI 0.2 includes support for asynchronous I/O via the wasi:io/poll interface, it does not compose well: only one component in a composition can block at a time. A major goal for WASI 0.3 is to provide built-in support for "composable async" in the Component Model, thereby resolving the tension between composition and concurrency.

So what is this?

A pile of hacks -- but a useful pile of hacks. The goals are:

  • To provide early, real-world implementation feedback to the Component Model "async" design process
  • To give developers a tool for "polyfilling" composable concurrency on top of WASI 0.2, ideally in such a way that upgrading application code to 0.3 requires little or no effort

In short, it's an experiment to see how close we can get to the 0.3 developer experience with minimal changes to existing tools.


  • Modified guest WIT bindings generators and support libraries for first-class, composable async/await in Rust and Python
  • Support for concurrent awaiting of any wasi:io/poll.pollable (e.g. files, sockets, timers, HTTP bodies)
    • No need for wasi:io/poll.poll anymore -- just use await!
  • spawn function allows guests to spawn tasks which may outlive the current function call from the host or composed component
    • For example, you can spawn a task to stream an HTTP response body and return the response object to the caller before the stream has finished.
  • Async-friendly composition using wasm-compose
  • Asynchronous cancellation of host and guest tasks (currently untested)
  • Modified Rust host-side binding generator and support library for hosting components, including a working implementation of wasi:[email protected]
  • A CLI tool supporting a serve subcommand for running isyswasfa-flavored wasi:[email protected] components

Planned features

  • Guest support for other languages supporting stackless coroutines
    • E.g. JavaScript and .NET
    • Eventually, the Component Model will also support composable concurrency for stackful coroutines (e.g. Goroutines, Java fibers, etc.), but those are out of scope for this polyfill.
  • Host-side code generation for bridging async and sync components using backpressure to serialize async->sync calls without blocking the caller


The test/rust-cases and test/python-cases directories contain a few guest programs:

  • round-trip (Rust version, Python version): a simple example of an exported async function calling an imported async function
  • service (Rust version, Python version) and middleware (Rust version): a pair of components which are composed to demonstrate cross-component asynchronous I/O, with the middleware providing transparent deflate encoding and decoding support to the service. These use wasi:[email protected], which includes a single request type and a single response type; unlike wasi:[email protected], there is no need for incoming and outgoing variations of those types.
  • hash-all (Rust version, Python version): a wasi:[email protected] component, capable of sending multiple concurrent outgoing requests, hashing the response bodies without buffering, and streaming the hashes back to the client.
  • echo (Rust version, Python version): a wasi:[email protected] component, capable of either echoing the request body back to the client without buffering, or else piping the request body to an outgoing request and then streaming the response body back to the client.
  • router (Rust version): a wasi:[email protected] component which composes with all of the above components and dispatches requests to them, as well as proxying outbound requests via the host.

See also test/src/, which uses generated host bindings to test the above examples.

Building and running the examples

To build the CLI from source using this Git repository, install Rust and run:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo build --release --manifest-path cli/Cargo.toml

Then you can run the command using e.g.:

./target/release/isyswasfa --help

To build the Rust guest examples, you'll need to make sure you have the wasm32-wasi Rust target installed, along with a recent version of wasm-tools:

rustup target add wasm32-wasi
cargo install wasm-tools

We can build the Rust hash-all example using:

cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi --manifest-path test/rust-cases/hash-all/Cargo.toml
curl -LO
wasm-tools component new --adapt wasi_snapshot_preview1.reactor.wasm test/rust-cases/target/wasm32-wasi/release/hash_all.wasm -o hash-all.wasm

And finally we can run it:

./target/release/isyswasfa serve hash-all.wasm

While that's running, we can send it a request from another terminal:

curl -i \
    -H 'url:' \
    -H 'url:' \
    -H 'url:' \

To build the Python examples, you'll need to use componentize-py, which you can install with pip:

pip install componentize-py==0.13.0

Then build and run the Python hash-all example:

componentize-py --isyswasfa=-echo -d wit -w proxy componentize -p test/python-cases/hash-all app -o hash-all.wasm
./target/release/isyswasfa serve hash-all.wasm

Composing Rust and Python components

In addition to the tools we built above, we can build wasm-compose and use it to compose the Python hash-all component with the Rust middleware component. Here, we use a lightly-patched version which supports exposing exports from multiple subcomponents:

cargo build --release --manifest-path wasm-tools/Cargo.toml

Then we build the middleware component (reusing the wasi_snapshot_preview1.reactor.wasm file we downloaded above):

cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi --manifest-path test/rust-cases/middleware/Cargo.toml
wasm-tools component new --adapt wasi_snapshot_preview1.reactor.wasm test/rust-cases/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/middleware.wasm -o middleware.wasm

And compose it with the hash-all component we built above, then run the result:

./wasm-tools/target/release/wasm-tools compose middleware.wasm -d hash-all.wasm -o composed.wasm
./target/release/isyswasfa serve composed.wasm

This time, we'll send a request with a accept-encoding: deflate header, which tells the middleware component to compress the response body:

curl -i --compressed \
    -H 'accept-encoding: deflate' \
    -H 'url:' \
    -H 'url:' \
    -H 'url:' \


How it works

I've lightly modified the wit-bindgen, and wasmtime-wit-bindgen, and componentize-py code generators to support an isyswasfa configuration option. When that option is enabled, the code generators "asyncify" a subset of imported and exported functions by splitting each one into two functions: one for initiating a task, and other for retrieving the result when the task has completed. For example:

  • foo: func(s: string) -> string becomes:
    • foo-isyswasfa-start: func(s: string) -> result<string, pending>, where pending is a resource handle representing an asynchronous task, returned if a result is not immediately available, and
    • foo-isyswasfa-result: func(r: ready) -> string, where ready is a resource handle representing the completion of an asynchronous task.

These two functions become part of the new component type seen by the host or composition tool, while the user-visible generated code presents only a single async function to the application developer.

In addition, the guest binding generator exports a function named isyswasfa-poll$SUFFIX, where $SUFFIX represents a unique string that must differ from any other component the current component might be composed with. In the case of composition, each subcomponent will export its own such function. The host will use these functions to send and receive events to and from the component, keeping track of which subcomponents are waiting for which tasks, where to route cancellation requests and confirmations, etc.

(TODO: add a step-by-step example with a diagram)

Although WASI 0.2 imports are not transformed as described above, the isyswasfa-host and isyswasfa-guest support libraries have special support for wasi:io/poll.pollable handles such that they can be concurrently awaited by the guest and multiplexed by the host, allowing e.g. monotonic_clock::subscribe_duration(ns).await to do just what you'd expect.