
Scripting language

APACHE-2.0 License



This repository hosts a dynamically typed language, its compiler, and VM.

🚧 This branch contains a rewrite of the language. It is currently heavily WIP! 🚧


Install the library (currently only available via git):

$ cargo add --git https://github.com/jprochazk/hebi.git --branch v2

Import it, and run some code:

use hebi::Hebi;

fn main() {
  let mut hebi = Hebi::new();

  println!("1 + 1 = {}", hebi.eval("1 + 1").unwrap());

Hebi can do much more than this, though! Here are some of its features:

  • Syntax similar to Python, including significant indentation
  • First-class functions
  • Classes with single inheritance
  • Easy Rust function and struct binding
  • Async support

Visit the examples directory to see Hebi in action.

You can run an example using cargo run --example <name>:

$ cargo run --example basic

As well as with the CLI:

$ cargo run -p hebi-cli -- examples/hebi/tic-tac-toe.hebi


The first step is to install Rust and Cargo via rustup.


This repository uses cargo-xtask for various utilities, scripts, and tasks. That means you don't need anything other than Rust and Cargo. No makefiles, Python, or Bash.

To see all available tasks, run:

$ cargo xtask

To run one of them, use:

$ cargo xtask <task>

Or the slightly shorter:

$ cargo x <task>

For example:

# Run all tests and examples
$ cargo xtask test

Some tasks use tools which you'll have to install, though these are kept to just a select few, and ideally always installed through either rustup or cargo.

  • Miri (rustup +nightly component add miri)
  • Insta (cargo install --locked cargo-insta)
  • mdBook (cargo install --locked mdbook)


The Hebi CLI provides a few tools for running and debugging scripts. It can be used through cargo run or directly after installing the binary with cargo install --path cli. The examples below demonstrate both ways.

# Print help
$ cargo run -p hebi-cli -- --help
Usage: hebi-cli [FILE] [COMMAND]

  run          Execute a Hebi file [default]
  disassemble  Disassemble a Hebi file [aliases: dis]
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  [FILE]  The path to the Hebi file to process. Required unless code is supplied through stdin

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

# Execute a script
$ echo 'print "Hello, world!"' | hebi 
Hello, world!

# Disassemble a script
$ hebi dis examples/hebi/fib.hebi
function `fib` (registers: 7, length: 57, constants: 2)
  0  | load_smi 0
  2  | store r2
  4  | load_smi 1
  6  | store r3
  8  | load_smi 0

# Run a script and dump the VM state on exit
$ cargo run -p hebi-cli -- run examples/hebi/count_primes.hebi --dump
Ï€(1000) = 168
    Vm {
        global: Global {
            inner: State {
                globals: {
                    "to_int": Object(
                        BuiltinFunction {
                            name: "to_int",

Why Hebi?

I thought it was appropriate, because the language is in the Python family, and Hebi (蛇) means snake in Japanese.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.