
Convenient attribute macro for lazy function execution

APACHE-2.0 License


lazy-attributes provides attribute macros for simplifying working with lazily evaluated functions.

Functions decorated with #[lazy_ref] will only be executed the first time they are called. On subsequent calls, the cached return value is returned.



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

lazy-attribute = "0.1"


With lazy_attribute::lazy_ref, you can annotate a function that you want to lazily evaluate:

use lazy_attribute::lazy_ref;

fn get_string() -> String {
    println!("Called once!");
    String::from("Hello, world!")

fn main() {
    println!("{}", get_string());  // Outputs: Called once! Hello, world!
    println!("{}", get_string());  // Outputs: Hello, world!

The first time the function is called, it will be evaluated and its result will be cached. Subsequent calls will return the cached result.

lazy_ref macro roughly desugars the get_string function to:

static __lazy_static_get_string: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();

fn get_string() -> &'static String {
    __lazy_static_get_string.get_or_init(|| {
        println!("Called once!");
        String::from("Hello, world!")

With async feature enabled, lazy_ref can also be used with async functions:

use lazy_attribute::lazy_ref;

async fn get_string() -> String {
    println!("Called once!");
    String::from("Hello, world!")

async fn main() {
    println!("{}", get_string().await);  // Outputs: Called once! Hello, world!
    println!("{}", get_string().await);  // Outputs: Hello, world!


  • lazy_* macros do not support functions with arguments. You will get an error telling you arguments are not supported.

Crate Features

  • async - Enables support for lazily evaluating async functions.

Crate Features

  • async - Enables support for lazily evaluating async functions.


Feedback welcome! Check the contributing guide to you want to get involved. We also adhere to our Code of Conduct.

Testing the Project

  • Run tests

    cargo test --all-features


For formatting Rust in particular, please use cargo +nightly fmt as it uses specific nightly features we recommend. Make sure you have nightly installed.

Pre-commit Hook

This project recommends using pre-commit for running pre-commit hooks. Please run this before every commit and/or push.

  • Once installed, Run pre-commit install and pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg to setup the pre-commit hooks locally. This will reduce failed CI builds.

  • If you are doing interim commits locally, and for some reason if you don't want pre-commit hooks to fire, you can run git commit -a -m "Your message here" --no-verify.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.