
Working Title! Our LD45 game jam entry

MIT License


Our Ludum Dare 45 game jam entry. The theme...

Start with nothing



Experience a work in progress.

Play through the development process of a 2D platformer game, and watch your environment transform as you progress...

The further you get, the more features are added, including menacing enemies, destructive spikes, and adaptive music.



Action Keyboard
Move W,S,A,D / Up,Down,Left,Right
Jump Space / K
Toggle Pause Escape / P
To Main Menu (from pause menu) Q / Backspace
Quit Game Shift+Escape / Shift+Q

Main Menu

Action Keyboard
Start Selected Enter / Space
Start Selected (without save data) X / Delete
Select Next S / Down / J / Tab
Select Previous W / Up / K / Shift+Tab
Quit Game Escape / Shift+Q


Download the build for your platform from itch.io. Supported platforms: Windows and Linux.

Data Directory

The game's data directory is where the savefile.json, and the panic.log (if an error should occur) files will be saved to. It's location depends on the platform:

Platform Path
Windows C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\ld45-working-title\
Linux $HOME/.local/share/ld45-working-title/

Location is determined by the dirs crate's data_local_dir() function.


Requires Vulkan support to run!

If the game doesn't run, it's likely that you're missing Vulkan API support. Unless you're using a very old graphics card, updating your graphics drivers should fix the issue.

If you're on Linux, you may need to install an appropriate Vulkan driver package for your graphics card. For Intel graphics on Arch Linux (or arch-based distros), the package vulkan-intel did the trick for me.

Sorry about this inconvenience, I'm not sure how to circumvent this.


Jam Versions

Version Download Release Date Notes
1.0.0 WindowsLinux 2019-10-08(jam deadline) Initial Ludum Dare jam release. Has some major bugs, which prevent the game from being completed: When dying and respawning at a checkpoint, after getting the high-jump feature you lose your high-jump, which prevents the game from being completed (unless you beat it without dying). The order in which the music tracks are played are messed-up; you won't experience the intended flow of the music in this build.
1.0.1 WindowsLinux 2019-10-08(~20 minutes after deadline) Partially fixes the music playing-order bug from v1.0.0 (still has some bugs). Was released about 20 minutes after the deadline.
1.0.2 WindowsLinux 2019-10-08(~5 hours after deadline) Properly fixes the music playing-order bug. Fixes the bug where player's high-jump is taken away after respawning, making the game beatable. Adds frame rate counter system, which prints FPS to the console. Adds the WorkingTitle.desktop file for Linux file manager GUIs. Some minor, meta stuff. Was released about 5 hours after the deadline.

Post-Jam Versions

Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-10-30

Change-Log v1.1.0

  • Change settings to be more low-gravity and feel more like space.
  • Add a hover mechanic, where the player can hold down the jump button
    to slowly hover downwards for the space-y gravity sections.
  • Add four proper levels, each for a different difficulty, from easy to absurd.
    Starts with the easy level and goes to the next difficulty when the level is beaten.
  • Add savefile system.
    When you hit a checkpoint your progress is saved to a savefile,
    which is loaded when you start the game.
  • Add red-rectangle ("programmer art") sprites for enemies.
  • Adjust animations.
  • Bug fixes.
Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-10-30

Change-Log v1.1.1

  • Add a player death counter, which is printed to the console at regular intervals.
  • Improve performance from previous version.
  • Bug fixes, level adjustments, settings tweaks.
Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-10-31

Change-Log v1.1.2

  • Update background image, less distracting.
  • Level, textures, settings adjustments.
Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-11-03

Change-Log v1.1.3

Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-11-06

Change-Log v1.2.0

Download Release Date
Windows / Linux 2019-11-24

Change-Log v1.3.0

Fonts Used

Used undefined-medium for the text at the end.



User Role
dimling Music, character sprites
hoichael Level design, tile/background graphics
Noah2610 Programming

Tools Used

Compiling from source

You need to have cargo installed (preferably rustup). Run cargo run --release to build and run the game with your default toolchain. To run the development build with some debug stuff enabled, run the provided bin/run script; you'll need the rust toolchain nightly-2019-08-13 installed for the development run script.

Making levels

We use Tiled to create levels. You'll need to install Tiled and Python. We use a custom Tiled export script, which requires Python. To use the custom export script, do the following:

  • Enable the python plugin (Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins)
  • create a new directory under ~/.tiled
    mkdir -p ~/.tiled
  • copy the export script tiled-export-script.py to the new directory
    cp tiled-export-script.py ~/.tiled/working-title-export.py
  • restart Tiled

The export script should now appear in the drop-down menu when exporting a level in Tiled.

To use the level in-game, copy the exported .json level file to resources/levels/level.json, and copy all *.ron files to resources/spritesheets/, associated with the spritesheet .png files used. You can use any spritesheets, as long as the .png and .ron files are in the resources/spritesheets directory.

The file DESIGN.md describes all tile/object properties and object types you can use in Tiled, which have meaning in the game.


Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.