
a little game, limbo on a mountain pass

MIT License


limbo pass

a little game, limbo on a mountain pass

run the game

build / run with the release flag so the overworld theme loads on time :)

cargo run --release


  • space bar
  • ← ↑ ↓ →
  • w a s d


  • hold ctrl and move the mouse to orbit the camera around the scene
  • scroll to zoom
  • secondary click / right click for a slow camera pan


  • limbo pass was written with rust, bevy, and the amazing bevy plugins bevy_kira_audio, bevy_rapier3d, and smooth-bevy-cameras. the scene was modled in blender 3.2.0 alpha
  • the overworld theme was made on an op-1, using the the deep space string synthesizer and tombola sequencer - then post processed with ffmpeg. if you just want to hear the theme, it's also listenable on soundcloud


mostly this little game was me figuring out how to use blender assets in bevy and then how to make the ghost's movement respect the surfaces of the terrain. i drew a lot of inspiration and owe a lot of lightbulb moments to the @sdfgeoff projects blender_bevy_toolkit and blender_bevy_top_down_space_shooter.


some details on implementation on the blender side. in case you're curious or looking for examples of how to do this sort of stuff yourself like i was at every step of the way.

  • the scenes used for this project live in blend/limbo_pass.blend and are exported to limbo_pass/assets/gltf/limbo_pass.gltf
  • this project gets both scenes and the terrain mesh by name so make sure you keep track of those :)
  • the ghost's origin is somewhere near the object's center of mass but I toggled it a bit. on the bevy / rapier3d side, the scene shares a transform with a sphere collider and because the ghost's shape is irregular it needed a bit of adjusting to match the collider's vertical area
  • i ended up doing some... cursed looking things i probably didn't have to to get the terrain's vertices and indexes for the trimesh collider, if you can point me at a better solution I'd be glad for it :)
  • i left this commented out in the main function, it was very helpful when developing colliders to see them rendered .add_plugin(RapierDebugRenderPlugin::default())