
Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol

GPL-3.0 License


title: LSP Mode - Language Server Protocol support for Emacs
description: Language Server Protocol support with multiples languages support for Emacs

Language Server Protocol Support for Emacs


  • ❤️ Community Driven
  • 💎 Fully featured - supports all features in Language Server Protocol v3.14.
  • 🚀 Fast - see performance section.
  • 🌟 Flexible - choose between full-blown IDE with flashy UI or minimal distraction free.
  • ⚙️ Easy to configure - works out of the box and automatically upgrades if additional packages are present.


Client for Language Server Protocol (v3.14). lsp-mode aims to provide IDE-like experience by providing optional integration with the most popular Emacs packages like company, flycheck and projectile.

  • Non-blocking asynchronous calls
  • Real-time Diagnostics/linting via
    flycheck (recommended) or
    flymake when Emacs > 26 (requires flymake>=1.0.5)
  • Code completion - company-capf / completion-at-point (note that
    company-lsp is no
    longer supported).
  • Hovers - using lsp-ui
  • Code actions - via lsp-execute-code-action, modeline (recommended) or lsp-ui sideline.
  • Code outline - using builtin
    or helm-imenu
  • Code navigation - using builtin
    lsp-treemacs tree views
    or lsp-ui peek functions.
  • Code lens
  • Symbol highlights
  • Formatting
  • Project errors on modeline
  • Debugger - dap-mode
  • Breadcrumb on headerline
  • Helm integration -
  • Ivy integration - lsp-ivy
  • Consult integration - consult-lsp
  • Treemacs integration -
  • Semantic tokens as defined by LSP 3.16 (compatible language servers include recent development builds of clangd and rust-analyzer)
  • which-key integration
    for better discovery
  • iedit
  • dired
  • ido


See also

  • lsp-docker - provide
    docker image with preconfigured language servers with corresponding
    emacs configuration.
  • company-box -
    company frontend with icons.
  • dap-mode - Debugger
    integration for lsp-mode.
  • eglot - An alternative
    minimal LSP implementation.
  • which-key - Emacs
    package that displays available keybindings in popup
  • projectile - Project
    Interaction Library for Emacs
  • emacs-tree-sitter - Faster, fine-grained code highlighting via tree-sitter.
  • gccemacs - modified Emacs capable of compiling and running Emacs Lisp as native code.


Contributions are very much welcome!

NOTE Documentation for clients is generated from doc comments in the clients themselves (see lsp-doc.el) and some metadata (see lsp-clients.json) so please submit corrections accordingly.

Support the project

The emacs-lsp organization has more than 20,000 lines of code, to keep all of this working, we need to implement new features and help the community on a lot of issues.

You can help us keep going and improving it by supporting the project


Here it is a list of the current lsp-mode members and what they are primary working on/responsible for.