
Really fast and easy combinatoric parser for Rust

MIT License



A performant, low-level, lightweight and intuitive combinatoric parser library.

Manger allows for translation of the intuition developed for Rust's primitive and standard library types into your intuition for using this library. Most of the behaviour is defined with the Consumable trait, which can be easily implemented using the consume_struct and consume_enum macros.

This library is suited for deterministic regular languages. It is optimally used in addition to a predefined syntax. For example, if you have a predefined EBNF, it is really easy to implement the syntax within this crate.

Getting Started

To get started with implementing Consumable on your own traits, I suggest taking a look at the consume_struct or consume_enum documentation. Then you can come back here and look at some common patterns.

Common patterns

Parsing and thus consuming has a lot of often used patterns. Ofcourse, these are very easily available here aswell.


Often we want to express that two patterns follow eachother in a source string. For example, you might want to express that every Line is followed by a ';'. In manger there are two ways to do this.


The first way, and the preferred way, is with the consume_struct or consume_enum macros where you can present sequential consume instructions. You can see in the following example that we are first consuming a '(', followed by a i32, followed by a closing ')'.

use manger::{ Consumable, consume_struct };

struct EncasedInteger(i32);
    EncasedInteger => [
        > '(',
        value: i32,
        > ')';


Another way to represent the same concept is with the tuple type syntax. This can be done with up to 10 types. Here we are again parsing the same (i32) structure.

use manger::chars;

type EncasedInteger = (chars::OpenParenthese, i32, chars::CloseParenthese);


Most of the time you want to represent some kind of repetition. There are a lot of different way to represent repetition. Here there are two easy ways.


The easiest way to do repetition is with the Vec<T>. This will consume 0 or more instances of type T. Ofcourse, the type T has have has Consumable implemented. Here you can see how what that looks like:

Since Vec<T> will consume instances of type T until it finds a error, it can never fail itself. You are therefore safe to unwrap the result.

use manger::{ Consumable, consume_struct };

struct EncasedInteger(i32);
    EncasedInteger => [
        > '[',
        value: i32,
        > ']';

let source = "[3][-4][5]";

let (encased_integers, _) = <Vec<EncasedInteger>>::consume_from(source)?;

let sum: i32 = encased_integers
    .map(|EncasedInteger(value)| value)

assert_eq!(sum, 4);


The other easy way to do repetition is with OneOrMore<T>. This allows for consuming 1 or more instances of type T. And again, type T has to have Consumable implemented. Here you can see what that looks like:

use manger::{ Consumable, consume_struct };
use manger::common::OneOrMore;

struct EncasedInteger(i32);
    EncasedInteger => [
        > '[',
        value: i32,
        > ']';

let source = "[3][-4][5]";

let (encased_integers, _) = <OneOrMore<EncasedInteger>>::consume_from(source)?;

let product: i32 = encased_integers
    .map(|EncasedInteger(value)| value)

assert_eq!(product, -60);

Optional value

To express optional values you can use the Option<T> standard rust type. This will consume either 0 or 1 of type T.

Since Option<T> will consume a instance of type T if it finds no error, it can never fail itself. You are therefore safe to unwrap the result.

use manger::consume_struct;
use manger::chars;

struct PossiblyEncasedInteger(i32);
    PossiblyEncasedInteger => [
        : Option<chars::OpenParenthese>,
        value: i32,
        : Option<chars::CloseParenthese>;


Another common pattern seen within combinatoric parsers is recursion. Since rust types need to have a predefined since, we cannot do direct type recursion and we need to do heap allocation with the Box<T> type from the standard library. We can make a prefixed math expression parser as followed:

use manger::consume_enum;
use manger::common::{OneOrMore, Whitespace};

enum Expression {
    Times(Box<Expression>, Box<Expression>),
    Plus(Box<Expression>, Box<Expression>),

    Expression {
        Times => [
            > '*',
            : OneOrMore<Whitespace>,
            left: Box<Expression>,
            : OneOrMore<Whitespace>,
            right: Box<Expression>;
            (left, right)
        Plus => [
            > '+',
            : OneOrMore<Whitespace>,
            left: Box<Expression>,
            : OneOrMore<Whitespace>,
            right: Box<Expression>;
            (left, right)
        Constant => [
            value: u32;


For whitespace we can use the manger::common::Whitespace struct. This will consume any utf-8 character that is identified as a whitespace character by the char::is_whitespace function.


If two possibilities are present for consuming there are two options to choose from. Both are valid in certain scenarios.


Using the consume_enum you can create an struct which can be consuming in a number of options and you can see which option was selected. If you need to see which of the different options was selected, this should be your choice.

Either<L, R>

You can also use the Either<L, R> type to represent the either relationship. This option is preferred if we do not care about which option is selected.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


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  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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