
Semi-auto editor for fandom/mediawiki wikis.

MIT License



some tools to interact with fandom wikis

uses limited editing rate of ~1-2 edits per second according to fandoms rules

  • GUI usage (development):
    • cd into gui subdir
    • run "pnpm|yarn|npm install"
    • run "pnpm|yarn|npm start" to start the dev server
    • run "pnpm|yarn|npm tauri dev" to start the tauri app
  • CLI usage (development):
    • Input files need to be formatted with newline seperation (eg 1 wiki article per line)
    • run via "cargo run <command> (<args if needed>)" inside cli folder
      • every command needs Fandom login credentails created via Special:BotPasswords. There are two ways to provide them:
        • the FANDOM_BOT_NAME & FANDOM_BOT_PASSWORD environment variables
        • cli flags: "cargo run [--loginname <name>|-n <name>] and [--loginpassword <pw>|-p <pw>]"
      • example: "cargo run delete ../todelete.txt"
        • deletes every page listed in specified file (separation via newline)