
A Next.js + Tauri template, with minimal best practice setup and weekly updates!


❓ What is Nextauri ?

Nextauri is your favorite template for create cross-platform application using Tauri with Next.js. It came with minimal best practice setup so you can add anything fit your need. You can it use to develop Windows, Linux and Mac desktop application. But Tauri plan to have a mobile compatibility in the futur !

💡 Features

As recommanded by the community, Nextauri come with the best practice features such as :

  • Recommanded Eslint when working with Next.js
  • Recommanded Clippy when working with Tauri
  • Github workflow when pushing and creating pull request for :
    • Lint your Next.JS project with Eslint
    • Lint your Tauri project with Clippy
    • Build your application for Linux, Windows and Mac
  • Weekly dependencies update

💪 Motivation

Tauri is great to make secure cross platform application backed by Rust ! It will load an HTML page inside a Webview and give the ability to do system call with IPC. If you are familliar with electron or nextron you can see it as a very good replacement with smaller bundle size, smaller memory usage and more secure.

That make Next.js the perfect fit for bundle React application with Tauri since it comes with great Static-Site Generation SSG capability that will allow us to generates static files that will be included in the final binary.

The benefit of using Next.js SSG mode is pre-rendered React code in static HTML/JavaScript. This means your app will load faster. React doesn't have to render the HTML on the client-side but will hydrate it on the first load if needed.

The downside is that we cannot use getServerSideProps or use any type of data fetching for rendering our page for a request. Instead we will use getStaticProps to generate our page at build time.

Note that if you still want the power of Rust for generate your page you may have a look at Neon. It will allow you to call Rust code from Node.js !

📦 Installation

Be sure you have NodeJS and Rust installed on your system

  1. See Tauri prerequisites to prepare your system to build Tauri

  2. Clone or fork this repository

    git clone
    cd nextauri
  3. Install node dependencies

    npm install

🎨 Developing

To get started you only need one command

npm run dev

This will start both Tauri and Next.js in development mode.

Note that tauri is waiting for an http server to be alive on localhost:3000. It's the default Next.js port while running in development

You can modify the port by updating src-tauri/tauri.conf.json.

"beforeDevCommand": "npm run next dev -- -p 8080",
"devPath": "http://localhost:8080",

Source structure

  • src-next/ are where Next.js files are located.
  • src-tauri/ contain Tauri source files.

🧪 Testing

To test your application we recommand you to use Cypress using Tauri mocking technique.

If you want me to add Cypress as part of the template react to this discussion.

You may also want to take a look to pre-alpha WebDriver Testing from Tauri.


To build in production you can do it in a single command. This will build and export Next.js and build Tauri for your current environnement.

npm run tauri build

Look into src-tauri/tauri.conf.json to tweak the settings, and refer to Tauri building documentation for more information.

⚠️ Warning

If you are new to Next.js beware when working with it in development ! It will start a Nodejs server in background in order to have HMR (Hot Module Replacement) capability but also SSR (Server Side Rendering). That mean your React/Typescript code have two execution context :

  1. On the Server

    • Code is executed by Node.js runtime.
    • There is no notion of window or navigator it's part of Browser API
    • You cannot call Tauri API in this context since Tauri injection happen in the Browser side
  2. On the Browser

    • Code is executed by the Tauri Webview
    • Tauri API will work fine and any other Browser API package d3.js for example

Note that your production code will alway be running in a Browser side context. Since we use the SSG feature from Next.js no Node.js server will be packaged in production.

referenceError: navigator is not defined

This error can orcur when importing @tauri-apps/api for example. There is 2 workarounds that you can use :

  1. Dynamic component method

    • Create your component

      import React from 'react'
      import { window } from '@tauri-apps/api';
      const { appWindow } = window;
      export default function MyComponent() {
    • Import your component

      import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
      const MyComponent = dynamic(() => import("./path/to/my/component"), {
        ssr: false,
  2. Is browser method

    import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/tauri'
    const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'
    if (isBrowser) {
      /// Code will only execute on browser side

In general to safely invoke Tauri API you should use it in componentDidMount, useEffect or on user based events that will be alway executed in client side.

📚 Documentation

To learn more about Tauri and Next.js, take a look at the following resources: