
An in-depth resource to learn Rust 🦀


Learning Rust 🦀

Hello friend! 👋

Welcome to my "Learning Rust" repo, a home for my notes as I'm learning Rust. I'm structuring everything into lessons, which can be found in lessons directory. Each lesson is its own cargo project, so you can cd into it and run it by executing cargo run in your terminal. To start learning, open the src/main.rs file in each lesson.

To solidify your knowledge, some lessons also include challenges, which live in the examples directory. You can run the challenges by executing cargo run --example [CHALLENGE_FILE_NAME] without the .rs extension, for example cargo run --example leap-year if the challenge file is named leap-year.rs.

I'm explaining the concepts with comments, followed by an example code block. All of the lessons are runable, so you can clone this repo and play around with the examples. Make sure you pull from this repo from time to time to get the new lessons as I'm publishing them.

My main learning resource is The Rust Programming Language Book.

So poke around the repo and have fun! If you see a typo, or have a good example/challenge in mind, feel free to open a PR.

P.S. This could turn into a workshop! Hit me up on Twitter if you're interested!

System Requirements

Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed to run the lessons and challenges. Follow the official installation guide.