
Simple Spotify widget for OBS.

BSD-2-CLAUSE License


OBS Spotify Bridge

This software bridges OBS and Spotify using Discord tokens.


I'm not a professional of Discord ToS and Spotify ToS, and it may lead to your account being banned. This software is provided without any warranty and it is as-is.

Why does this require a Discord token?

Spotify tokens rotate and expire in a very short time.

But Discord tokens are valid for a long time, and we can use them to get valid Spotify tokens.



How to

Step 0. Connect Discord account to the Spotify account

This software depends on Discord / Spotify account linking. You must link those accounts before using this software.

Reference: Discord Spotify Connection Discord

Step 1. Get Discord's user token by Discord Client

  1. Login to the web client.
  2. Paste this code to the Browser Console.
    javascript - Any way to get my discord token from Browser Dev Console? - Stack Overflow
    (webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken()
  3. A token like this is displayed. "ush9Zohzie6ahmohsoo6meCh.IThah7.jeephaijiachu8kuWoh0aephe5e"

Step 2. Create OBS sources

  1. Create a obs-spotify.text as TextSource.
  2. Create a obs-spotify.albumart as BrowserSource.
    1. Set size to square (likes 256x256).
    2. Set CSS
      body {
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
      * {
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
        color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
      @keyframes rotate {
        from { transform: rotate(0turn); }
        to { transform: rotate(1turn); }
      img {
        margin-top: calc((100vh - min(100vh, 100vw)) / 2);
        margin-left: calc((100vw - min(100vh, 100vw)) / 2);
        animation: rotate linear infinite calc(60s/33.5*2);
        border-radius: 50%;
        width: min(100vh, 100vw);
        height: min(100vh, 100vw);
        object-fit: contain;
        display: inline;


If obs-spotify.text and/or obs-spotify.albumart names conflict or the naming convention is mismatched with others, you can use that as the suffix. (like [TLP] obs-spotify.text)

Step 3. Configure obs-websocket

  1. Open OBS
  2. Navigate Tools -> obs-websocket Settings.
  3. Check the Enable WebSocket server
  4. Configure the Server Settings
  5. Click the Show Connect Info
    • remember Server IP, Server Port and Server Password (if password is enabled).

Step 4. Create a bat file

Create a bat file and place it in same folder.

@echo off

REM Please remove this set line if OBS authentication is disabled.


    echo ---- ERROR OCCURRED ----
    echo Please READ the backtrace.


If you run OBS at a non-default port or different host, additional settings are required.

set OBS_PORT=4455

Step 5. Double click the bat file.

You can use it now! If you need a additional support, you can create an issue or send a DM to @yanorei32.

How it works

    participant O as OBS
    participant B as obs-spotify-bridge
    participant S as Spotify
    participant D as Discord
    Note over B,D: Discord Client Handshake
    B->>D: Connect wss://gateway.discord.gg/
    activate D
    B->>D: op: 2
    D->>B: Ready (w/ Spotify Token)
    deactivate D
    Note over B,S: Check Spotify token availability
    B->>S: GET /v1/me/player/devices
    alt available
        S->>B: 200 OK
    else expired
        S->>B: 401 Unauthorized
        Note over B,D: Renew Spotify Token
        B->>D: GET /api/v9/users/@me/connections/spotify/{spotify_id}/access-token
        D->>B: 200 OK (w/ renewed Spotify token)
    Note over B,O: Open OBS
    B->>O: Connect (w/ auth)
    activate O
    Note over B,S: Fetch initial state
    B->>S: GET /v1/me/player
    S->>B: 200 OK (w/ now playing)
    B->>O: Apply initial state
    Note over B,S: Start incremental update
    B->>S: Connect wss://dealer.spotify.com/
    activate S
    loop Incremental Update
        S->>B: Notify now playing
        B->>O: Apply now playing
    Note over B,O: If Ctrl+C is pressed
    B->>O: finalize
    deactivate S
    deactivate O