
Paste of Exile - Path of Building Pastebin

AGPL-3.0 License


Paste of Exile, a pastebin for Path Of Building builds.


Required dependencies:

  • Node 16.7+
  • Yarn
  • Latest Rust (including wasm toolchain: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown)
  • wrangler: cargo install wrangler
  • TrunkRS: cargo install trunk
  • worker-build: cargo install worker-build
  • wasm-pack: cargo install wasm-pack

The application can be started with:

$ yarn start

To just build the application:

$ ./ --dev
$ ./ --release


Rust code is formatted with cargo +nightly fmt and linted with cargo +nightly clippy --all-features -- -D warnings.

Commits are prefixed with their scope/crate:

  • poe: relevant for the entire project
  • app: the frontend
  • pob: pob parsing and tools
  • poe-tree: poe tree parsing and processing
  • shared: mainly types shared between app and worker
  • snapshot: just a cli tool to generate stats
  • worker: the backend

Public API

For third-party integrations there are currently two public URLs to retrieve a build:

  • /:id/raw
  • /u/:username/:id/raw

Please always include a User-Agent which identifies your application and includes contact info, e.g.: User-Agent: app-name/version hosted.domain (contact: foo@bar, discord#0000).


Contributions are always welcome, code, design ideas, mockups etc.

When contributing please try to follow coding conventions (cargo fmt, cargo clippy), code style and commit formatting.

Before working on big features please open an issue/discussion first or reach out (e.g. #tooldev-general on the official discord), in case this feature is currently out of scope or already being worked on.