
Command line interface for rust-persian-tools library.

MIT License


Persian Tools Cli

Command line interface for rust-persian-tools library.


With param

You can pass input by -i option:

With std-in

Help page

cli for rust-persian-tools crate

Usage: persian-tools-cli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  add-commas                        Adds commas to number,
  remove-commas                     Remove commas from number, example: 3,100 -> 3100
  add-ordinal-suffix                Add persian ordinal suffix to numbers, example: "بیست و یک" -< "بیست و یکم"
  remove-ordinal-suffix             Remove persian ordinal suffix from numbers, example: "بیست و یکم" -< "بیست و یک"
  has-arabic                        Return true if the entered string includes arabic characters
  is-arabic                         Return true if the entered string does not include other-language characters
  to-arabic                         Description: Replaces all instances of ی and ک with  ي and ك,
  get-bill-type                     Gets barcode as input and returns bill type types: (Water, Electricity, Gas, Tel, Mobile, Municipality, Tax, DrivingOffense)
  get-bill-amount                   Gets barcode as input and returns bill amount in Rials
  digits-fa-to-en                   "۵۴۱" -> "541"
  digits-en-to-fa                   "541" -> "۵۴۱"
  digits-en-to-ar                   "451" -> "٤٥۱"
  digits-ar-to-en                   "٤٥۱" -> "451"
  digits-fa-to-ar                   "۴۵۱" -> "٤٥۱"
  digits-ar-to-fa                   "٤٥۱" -> "451"
  extract-card-number               Returns list of card numbers extracted from input separated with ','
  find-capital-by-province          "البرز" -< "کرج"
  get-bank-name-by-card-number      6219861000000000 -> "بانک سامان"
  get-city-by-iran-national-id      <national_id> -> "کرج"
  get-province-by-iran-national-id  <national_id> -> "البرز"
  add-half-space                    Takes input and make it standard in case of using half space
  remove-half-space                 Opposite of add-half-space
  verify-iranian-legal-id           اعتبار سنجی شناسه حقوقی Returns true|false
  verify-iranian-national-id        اعتبار سنجی کد ملی Returns true|false
  get-plate-type                    Input is a car or motorcycle number plate Returns (car | motorcycle)
  get-plate-province                Input is a car or motorcycle number plate Returns نام استان
  get-plate-category                Input is a car or motorcycle number plate Returns (دیپلمات - سفارتخانه - تاکسی - ارتش - شخصی و...)
  number-to-words                   "5677" -> "پنج هزار و ششصد و هفتاد و هفت"
  has-persian                       Return true if the entered string includes persian characters
  is-persian                        Return true if the entered string does not include other-language characters
  to-persian-chars                  Description: Replaces all instances of ي and ك with ی and ک,
  is-phone-valid                    Phone number as input and returns (false|true)
  get-operator-prefix               09387891234 -> 938, +989387891234 -> 938, 00989387891234 -> 938
  get-phone-operator                09380000000 -> Irancell
  get-phone-province                09140000000 -> تبریز
  is-sheba-valid                    شماره شبا رو اعتبار سنجی میکنه
  sheba-to-bank-name                شماره شبا رو میگیره و اسم بانک بر میگردونه
  sheba-to-persian-bank-name        شماره شبا رو میگیره و اسم فارسی بانک بر میگردونه
  time-diff                         برای دو لحظه از زمان یک متن فارسی تولید میکنه که اختلاف دو لحظه رو توصیف میکنه
  url-fix                           حروف فارسی رو به فرمتی تبدیل میکنه که در url قابل استفاده باشه
  verify-card-number                شماره کارت بانکی رو اعتبار سنجی میکنه
  words-to-number                   حروف فارسی رو به عدد تبدیل میکنه
  help                              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -i, --input <INPUT>  if you don't pass --input param it will take std-in as input
  -h, --help           Print help
  -V, --version        Print version


There is three ways to install persian tools cli

1. Download binary

Download binary from here. add binary to your PATH

2. Install from

If you have cargo installed you can install this tool simply by running:

cargo add persian-tools-cli

3. Build from source

git clone
cd PersianToolsCli
cargo build --release

# linux
cp ./target/release/project_analyzer /usr/bin

# MacOS
cp ./target/release/project_analyzer /usr/local/bin/

# Windows
# add binary to Environment Variables Path