
A protocol on top of CBOR that provides protobuf-like functionality



:Status: Proof of Concept :Rust docs:

Probor is an extensible mechanism for serializing structured data on top of CBOR_.

In additional to CBOR_ probor has the following:

  1. A library to efficiently read data into language native structures

  2. A schema definition language that serves as a documentation for interoperability between systems

  3. A more compact protocol which omits field names for objects

  4. Conventions to make schema backwards compatible


We like CBOR_ for the following:

  1. It's IETF standard

  2. It's self-descriptive

  3. It's compact enough

  4. It's extensive_ including mind-boggling_ things

  5. It has implementations in most languages

.. _extensive: .. _mind-boggling:

What we lack in CBOR_:

  1. No schema definition, i.e. can't check interoperability between systems

  2. Transmitting/storing lots of objects is expensive because keys are encoded for every object

  3. No standard way to cast "object" (i.e. a map or a dict) into native typed object


This section roughly compares similar projects to see second our arguments in "Why?" section. Individual arguments may not be very convincing by they are reasonable enough in total.

Probor vs Protobuf

Protobuf_ can't parse data if no schema known. Probor is not always totally readable, but at least you can unpack the data using generic cbor decoder and look at raw values (presumably without key names).

And it's not only hard when schema is unknown, but when you have a schema but no code generated to inspect it. For example if you have a java application, but want to inspect some code in python. You need a pythonic code generator and generate code before you can read anything with protobuf.

Probor also has debugging (non-compact) mode in which it may encode object and enums by name so you can easily understand the values. You can also keep key names for most objects except ones that are transmitted in large quantities, because compact and non-compact formats are compatible. You are in control.

The types that Protobuf generates are not native. So they are larger and hard to work with. Because code is generated you usually can't add methods to the object itself without subtle hacks. Probor tries to provide thin layer around native objects.

Also working with a code generation is inconvenient. Protobuf has a code generator written in C++ which you need to have installed. Moreover you often need another version of protobuf code generator for every language. Probor works without code generation for all currently supported languages by providing simple to use macros and/or annotations to native types. We may provide code generation facilities too for bootstrapping the code, but they should be done purely in the language they generate.

On the upside of Protobuf it can deserialize lookup object and serialize again without loosing any information (even fields that are not in his version of a protocol). For probor it's not implemented in current libraries for effiency reasons, but it can be done with apropriate libraries anyway.

.. _Protobuf:

Probor vs Avro

Avro_ needs a schema to be transported "in-band", i.e. as a prefix to a data send. We find this redundant.

Also Avro types are somewhat historic from C era. We wanted modern algebraic types like they are in Rust or Haskell.

Also avro file format is not in IETF spec and does not have such interesting extensions like CBOR_ has__.

__ mind-boggling_

.. _avro:

Probor vs Thrift

Thrift doesn't have good description of the binary format (in fact it has two both are not documented in any sensible way) unlike CBOR_ which is IETF standard. Do the data is hard to read without having code generated in advance.

Thrift also has ugly union type from 1990x, comparing to nice algebraic types which we want to use in 2015.

Thrift relies on code generation for parsing data which we don't like because it makes programs hard to build and it's hard to integrate with native types (i.e. add a method to generated type).

Also thrift bindings usually have some implementation of services which usually is a cruft because there are too much ways for dealing with network in each language to have all of them implemented by thrift authors. Furthermore thrift has long history of generating code that can't be network IO agnostic.

.. _thrift:

Probor vs Capnproto

Capnproto has ugly and complex serialization format which is useful for mapping values directly into memory without decoding. But its more complex to implement correctly than what we target for. We also wanted compact encoding which Capnproto has but it's built on top of already hard to understand encoding and complicates things even more.

Capnproto like other relies on code generation with ugly protocol objects as result of decoding, but we wanted native types.

.. _capnproto:


For example, here is schema::

struct SearchResults {
    total_results @0 :int
    results @1 :array Page
struct Page {
    url @0 :text,
    title @1 :text,
    snippet @2 :optional text,

Note the following things:

  • We use generic type names like int (integer), not fixed width (see FAQ)
  • We give each field a number, they are similar to ones used in other
    IDL's (like protobuf, thrift or capnproto)

The structure serialized with probor will look like (displaying json for clarity, in fact you will see exact this data if decode CBOR and encode with JSON):

.. code-block:: json

[1100, [ ["", "Example Com"], ["", "Example Org", "Example organization"]]]

Obviously when unpacked, it looks more like (in javascript):

.. code-block:: javascript

new SearchResults({"total_results": 1100, "results": [new Page({"url": "", "title": "Example Com"}), new Page({"url": "", "title": "Example Org", "snippet": "Example organization"})]}

Actually the object can be serialized like this:

.. code-block:: json

{"total_results": 1100, "results": [{"url": "", "title": "Example Com"}, {"url": "", "title": "Example Org", "snippet": "Example organization"}]}

And this would also be totally valid serialized representation. I.e. you can store fields both by names and by numbers. This is occasionally useful for ad-hoc requests or you may be willing to receive non-compact data from frontend, then validate and push data in more compact format for storage.

In Python serialization looks like:

.. code-block:: python

from probor import struct

class Page(object):

    def __init__(self, url, title, snippet=None):
        # .. your constructor .. omitted for brevity

    probor_protocol = struct(
        required={(0, "url"): str, (1, "title"): str},
        optional={(2, "snippet"): str})

class SearchResults(object):
    def __init__(self, total_resutls, results):
        # .. your constructor .. omitted for brevity

    probor_protocol = struct(
        required={(0, "total_results"): int, (1, "results"): Page})

TODO: isn't syntax ugly? Should it be more imperative? Is setstate/getstate used?

.. note:: It's easy to build a more declarative layer on top of this protocol. I.e. for some ORM model, you might reuse field names and types. But the important property to keep in mind is that you should not rely on field order for numbering fields and numbers must be explicit, or otherwise removing a field might go unnoticed.

Apart from that, integrating probor data types with model and/or validation code is encouraged. And that's actually a reason why we don't provide a nicer syntax for this low-level declarations.

Similarly in Rust it looks like:

.. code-block:: rust

#[macro_use] extern crate probor;

use probor::{Encoder, Encodable};
use probor::{Decoder, Config, decode};
use std::io::Cursor;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Page {
    url: String => (#0),
    title: String => (#1),
    snippet: Option<String> => (#2 optional),

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct SearchResults {
    total_results: u64 => (#0),
    results: Vec<Page> => (#1),

fn main() {
    let buf = Vec::new();
    let mut enc = Encoder::new(buf);
    SearchResults {
        total_results: 112,
        results: vec![Page {
            url: "".to_string(),
            title: "One example".to_string(),
            snippet: None,
        }, Page {
            url: "".to_string(),
            title: "Two example".to_string(),
            snippet: Some("Example Two".to_string()),
    }.encode(&mut enc).unwrap();
    let sr: SearchResults = decode(
        &mut Decoder::new(Config::default(), Cursor::new(enc.into_writer())))
    println!("Results {:?}", sr);

The Rust example is a bit longer which is bearable for rust. It's hugely based on macros, which may seem as similar to code generation. Still, we find it better, because you are in control of at least the following things:

  1. The specific types used (e.g. u64 for int)
  2. The structure definition (may use meta attributes including
    derive and repr and may use struct T(X, Y))
  3. How objects are created (e.g. use VecDeque or BTreeMap instead of
    default Vec and HashMap)
  4. How missing fields are handled (e.g. you can provide defaults for missing
    fields instead of using Option<T>)
  5. You can include application-specific validation code

.. note:: Leaving the parentheses empty will result in the field strings stored as part of the payload. This would undermine the goal of reducing byte count of data stored, and in such cases, one may as well use CBOR directly.

At the end of the day, writing a parser explicitly with few helper macros looks like a much better idea than adding all the data as the meta information to the schema file.

Type System



Algebraic Types


In Unsupported Languages

In language which doesn't support algebraic types, they are implemented
by tying together few normal types. E.g. the following type in Rust:

.. code-block:: rust

    enum HtmlElement {
        Tag(String, Vec<HtmlElement>),

Is encoded like this in python:

.. code-block:: python

    from probor import enum

    class HtmlElement:
        """Base class"""

    class Tag(HtmlElement):
        def __init__(self, tag_name, children):
            # .. snip ..

        probor_protocol = ...

    class Text(HtmlElement):

        def __init__(self, text)
            self.text = text

        probor_protocol = ...

    HtmlElement.probor_protocol = enum({
        (0, 'Tag'): Tag,
        (1, 'Text'): Text,

Then you can do pattern-matching-like things by using
``functools.singledispatch`` (in Python3.4) or just use ``isinstance``.

.. note:: The purescript compiles types similarly. It's unchecked, but
   I believe probor's searization into Javascript should be compatible with
   PureScript types.

Forward/Backward Compatibility

Comparing with protobuf, the probor serializer always considers all fields as
optional. The required fields are only in IDL, so if your future type is smart
enough to

Backwards compatibility is very similar to protobuf.

TBD: exact rules for backward compatibility

TBD: exact rules for forward compatibility

TBD: turning structure in algebraic type with compatibility


Why Use Generic Types?

Well, there are couple of reasons:

1. Different languages have different types, e.g. Python does have generic
   integer only, Java does not have unsigned integer types

2. Fixed width types are not good constaint anyway, valid values have often
   much smaller range than that of the type, so this is not a replacement for
   data validation anyway

Why No Default Values

There are couple of reasons:

1. Default value is user-interface feature. And every service might want use
   it's own default value.

2. It's very application-specific if value that equals to default value may
   be omitted when serializing. And we want to use native structures for the
   language without any additional bookkeeping of whether the value is default
   or just equals to it.

.. _CBOR:
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